Reviews for Dancing on the Edge
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
What awfulpeople
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2015
Gah. The feels! Great story!
lesuse chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
Oh my gosh, this story is PERFECTION! I've never read such a story like this in the dozens I've read! What a writer you are that you can make us LOVE Jane and despise Edward and Bella! (We've always had a love/hate relationship with Rose and Jessica!)*snicker* :) This story was masterfully done. I just knew she was a goner! And, what an incredible Felix! You made us forget their canon personas completely! Bravo, Bravo! *standing ovation* I'm sure you've been asked, but a Futuretake would be wonderful - maybe the Reviews from the ballet that Jane missed saying that the performance was 'fine' by the dancers, but everyone was expecting to see Jane and were terribly disappointed. And, maybe hear some Karma that came back to Rose and Jess - like they got the same virus and had to take steroids to recover and it made them balloon up 30 pounds and couldn't fit in their leotards! You know, use your imagination! Would also love to see some remorse from Jane's mother! I hope you or someone close doesn't have personal experience with Jane's method of pain relief. So, so sad to imagine that internal pain is so great that cutting helps. Just a hauntingly lovely, wonderfully crafted story!
Unknown Atheist chapter 1 . 8/18/2013
I have to admit, at the beginning, I wasn't a fan of Jane. But as the story went on, I felt all the emotions she had felt as if they were my own. Lovely writing.
lambtastic chapter 1 . 3/27/2013
I'm glad for the happy ending. I love Jane and Feliex, like Jane's driver, don't mind Aro and Bella, sort of on the border with Edward, but I definitely font like Jessica, Rose, and Jane's mom. Can't stand them. I wish Jane told them off. I'm glad Feliex got to Jane in time to save her. I hope they will live far away from these people in the future.
kharizzmatik chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
Okay, wow... I'm utterly speechless. The emotion in this story, dark and twisty but yet so goddamn beautiful... there are no words to describe it. You captured Jane's pain so well, her self-harm and yearning for acceptance from the people who were suppose to love her. I can safely say it's the first time I hated both Edward and Bella in a story lol. Thank you for your amazing words. Never stop writing, missy.
CookiesAndStorms chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
This story is amazing. You are so talented- all the little details and emotion in this story is beauitufl.
LostIntimidation chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
This story is stunningly beautiful! I really felt all of Jane's pain coming through. You made me feel deeply for an oft-hated character. I applaud you for tackling such a difficult subject with honesty.

Oh, and I love Le Jeune Homme et La Mort! Especially Baryshnikov's version. Super hot to imagine Edward in that role.
LaylaBlaise chapter 1 . 2/24/2012
That was absolutely stunning. Beautifully written, and the dark tones made it seem incredibly real. Her desperation and loneliness was enough to move me to tears. Amazingly done! Best fanfic I have ever read.
eddiebell69 chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
*gasps* I can't believe I haven't reviewed this story yet! I really loved it, J. The pairing you chose is very original and intriguing, and the way you handled her cutting was creatively done. I am so glad you won in the contest; I actually feel a lil proud because I read and completely fell in love with it since the beginning.

Thank you for sharing this with us, but especially for all the hard work behind it.

Remember when you said you weren't gonna win?


Love it!

- Jess
A Girl Who Reads Cereal Boxes chapter 1 . 12/20/2011
Even though Jane's whole mentality was so tragic and disturbing, your words crafted such a painfully poignant portrayal of a girl who just wanted unconditional love. Something she never recieved from her mother, father or Edward, but could perhaps find with Felix.

Jane is a character I rarely read about, but you created great sympathy for her and nearly brought me to tears.

And there was hope at the end, it seems.
Alby Mangroves chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
Oh, Jess! What an incredibly moving story. I'm so happy that you gave them a chance at their happy ending!

I've never empathized with Jane before so thanks for writing something that shows this character in a different light. I'm glad she's your heroine.

I can see them together years from now, with Felix at her side, living normal lives. Thanks for writing this!

Best of luck in the contest!
LeMask chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
Gorgeous writing and plot! It's the only story so far with all human that I really like. The dark tones make the story real, and the writing is fluid and descriptive. Excellant work, (:!
mostly a lurker chapter 1 . 12/8/2011
I loved that your protagonist was Jane. As much as I enjoy BxE, it's SO refreshing to read other characters:-)

I could painfully relate to her harsh inner dialogue and can only imagine the inner judgmental voices of those surrounding her. Kwim? To judge/be so critical of others one is as hard or harder on oneself first. Painful way to live.

How you had her cutting is different than how I understand cutting works theoretically, but I have no direct experience, and think it was a creative use of this self-harming behavior. I was glad you gave her such a loving, tender Felix, yay. He was well needed. And now I understand your cryptic remark from the other day about taking a different tack w/ending in this contest.

Best of luck in the contest, and much love,

amandac3 chapter 1 . 11/30/2011
Wow, just wow! This was incredible, wonderfully written, so deep and dark and I could feel the anxiety building up and then feel it release with each cut. Very well done and best of luck!
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