Reviews for A Moment Like This
Guest chapter 10 . 10/2
Pokemonfan4life chapter 10 . 1/12/2019
Aww, the beginning part of this chapter was soooooooooo cuteeeeeeeee. I'm a massive proud sparkshipper 4ever! xoxox l loved and enjoyed this story so much. please, update it whenever you.
YokaiAngel chapter 10 . 5/20/2018
So cute!~~~~~
Peacelovefairy chapter 10 . 9/20/2015
This was a great story I liked
Guest chapter 5 . 2/28/2015
YAY I'M SO HAPP 4ever!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/28/2015
This Chapter is by far my favorite
Drachenkriegerin chapter 10 . 8/31/2014
Wonderful story!
Allen Poe chapter 10 . 2/20/2014
I LOVE THIS STORY SOOOOOOO MUCH THAT I AM DIEING TO KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEIN NEXT! I thought that Bloom and Baltor wound never fall in love with eachother! But boy did you prove me wrang and i love it! You are making a masterpeace of a story and you need to finsh this story as soon as possble! For your fans and more importely for your self! Do not lit all the hard work you did when you made this story go to wast! You are a ginese for making this love story of Bloom and Baltor! So please make more chapters as soon as you can PLEASE!
fenix negro chapter 10 . 3/6/2013
he leído tus demás obras y me encantaron igual que esta ya deseo leer el próximo capitulo
ShadowXMoonlight chapter 10 . 4/27/2012
So cute.
emberfire411 chapter 10 . 3/10/2012
Jail for parking tickets; it happens! (...I might have ADHD)

So; last chapter! I'm sad; this was like my major fluff outlet for a while. Though I suppose that means I'll just have to get my butt in gear and write my own.

I really like the idea of focusing on the emotional side than the facts; that's a good way to get around the whole 'no idea what giving birth feels like' thing. And one random little thing that I loved was how perfectly in character Stella is. So many people get her wrong (including me, hence why she's not in HH), so it's nice to see someone get her right.

My only critique is that maybe you could've dragged the make-up scene out a little longer. Though I totally understand why you didn't; they're tired, she just had a kid, they've been mad for months. I'm a sucker for fluff; what can I say?

When Bloom suggested they name her Allison I was like 'What?' and then I was like 'oh!' - I'd totally spaced out the whole Baltor's mother backstory. I'm clever.

So... yeah! I totally loved it (duh!). And this is one of the fastest completions of a story I've seen from you. And I really should say more, but I'm really distracted right now (gee, I wonder what by...). So as usual I love it, it worked well, and it was fluffy! And that's all I got

Peace out!

Bearybeach chapter 10 . 3/9/2012
I really liked this chapter :). Also I read your Bio, and It said you like Pretty Little Liars. I have a story based on the TV show. If you have time plz read it.
Lucyole chapter 9 . 3/8/2012
wow amazing i love it your story is so exciting,

romantic and full of drama that you waor cry for

them because they can't be together in public

that is so sad but beautifull to because they

loving each other wheter they can be together or not

and the chil issue perfect baltor is just so sweet

and adorable in his way of caring for her and bloom

is so cool she don't want to give up that chil no

matter what would happen, please writee the next chapter

we all need to know what is happening next and whether it comes out

that she is together with baltor or whter he can live

as a free man pleeeeeaaaseeee write it. *cookies and chocolate for you*
Firefly154 chapter 9 . 2/24/2012
Gd chap !
emberfire411 chapter 9 . 2/23/2012
Friend? What friend? I didn't know about this fight? I didn't even know it this was getting updated!

I do really love this fight. I know that sounds weird, but it's just so...perfectly in character and perfectly THEM I can't help but love it. Why do you say you can't write Baltor? Because you can, and he's awesome.

And one more chapter; sad face! Ah, well, at least I can pester you to work on everything else ;-)


P.S. - I decided to be, Erendor isn't for the new HH chapter. However, Oritel and Miriam will be making an appearance D There's your tid-bit of info for the day!
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