Reviews for TsundereHime
Allen Skylark chapter 2 . 5/15/2012
The 2nd part is so sexy and cute! I'me reduced to gushing and nosebleeds! Really great story, great story telling; Bon is Bon, Rin is SO Rin! And you wrapped it up nicely. I'm not normally not into fluff but the morning after was the best way to end this.

I hope you write more for BE - particularly Bon and Rin.
Allen Skylark chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
Why does this not have more reviews? It's a far cry better than all the fics I've seen so far. Had to quit them by the first or second chapter. So far I've only favorite-ed one. This is the second after two days of hunting, can you believe it? When I was a younger fangirl I read almost anything, but at age 26, old as hell, I require 3 things in a fanfic: a good premise, good writing, and on the mark characterizations. Doesn't have to have plot, could be slice of life just like this.

I'm still waiting for the next chapter of BE and to satisfy my hunger for more Rin and gang I've been searching everywhere to read a story with the ACTUAL characters, not made up emos with their names attached. (They're everywhere in this fandom!) So THANK YOU for knowing how to tell a story without redundancy and boring language like I've been plagued with since entering this fandom. (BTW, what's up with BE writers using adjectives as nouns - "the younger did this" or "the older did that" - when distinguishing characters. The minute I read that I quit the story - it's annoying and I can't enjoy the read. Where did they learn that was okay English? If they say their teachers, I'll say fuck public schools.) Seriously, how refreshing to see good writing for once - thank you, thank you, thank you!

What's even better about this - it's set four or five years later. The boys are all 20 year old men, only slightly more mature than teenagers - though Shima doesn't seem to have matured at all, which is perfect, lol. Love seeing them all grown. The way the story unfolds, with he mysterious phone call explaining why Bon turns down the invite to the bar, its content revealed at the end - gawd, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.
Shin-Hana chapter 2 . 3/3/2012
Cuteeeeee Bon is definitely a Tsundere-Hime!
Zoku chapter 2 . 3/1/2012
Well hot DAMN. If that wasn't freaking perfection, I dunno what is!

Totally IC, really good writing style, together making it very believable. If there's one bone I have to pick with many authors of Rin/Bon, it's usually mostly to do with the OOCness, which more often than not is coupled with plain bad writing and grammar problems...

I think you just became my favourite writer for this pair. I really hope you will write more!
Zoku chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
Awww man, what a great story! Nicely written with just the right way of showing cute interaction between the characters without piling on the 'yaoi'. Nice work!
reicheruchan chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
love it!
Magdalen Beller chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
It's great! I love your story!
Nekokratik chapter 1 . 11/21/2011
XDD~! I was squealing like MAD when Rin said that he loved him~! SWEEEEEEEEET!
Setulge chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
I don't even know how to start this... I don't even know the right words to describe how much I loved the story. It was so epicly cute... Just daayum xD Damn, damn and damn again. This made my heart jump from joy since I missed reading RinBon/BonRin fanfiction.

I'm going to be selfish and say :MORE! This was just wonderful :)
old and gone chapter 1 . 11/16/2011
I like... Very much... Very Very much... Keep it up you have a great writing style :D