Reviews for The Price of a Badge
Ran-Manwen chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
Your story perfectly caught the complicated relationship between Graham/Regina and his blooming feelings towards Emma :)
DelphineCormyay chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
AMAZING! You are an amazing writer and this was an amazing story :D
Scarlet Garter chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
"He is so startled to hear Emma Swan on the line that he almost drops the phone in his rush to make himself look presentable. He has to remind himself that she can't see him"

Great line. Very enjoyable read.
Firecracker-SJ chapter 1 . 12/1/2011
Wow, this is really powerful. It's an interesting take on the Sheriff/Regina relationship and you handled it incredibly well.
Amanda Carroll chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
I was happy to read your fic. Thank you :)

The POV of the Sheriff was very interesting!
SpaceRoses chapter 1 . 11/16/2011
I actually came back to this piece several times today and re-read it just because it's that good. But the line that really, really, REALLY gets me is this one right here: "(she can't see what he's done, what he's been reduced to)" For some reason that line, especially the second half of it, just sums up the whole situation in my mind. I cannot believe that Graham is with Regina by choice...I just...can't. It doesn't compute right in my head (And not just 'cause I'm shipping Graham/Emma...)

I can't wait to see how they play this idea out and I can't express how much I love this fic while I wait for this idea to be explored in the show! Amazing job and great character study!
AJ Manderz chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
I love this, lol! We need more of him in the show def...thanks for writing!
AllegraDante chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
This is officially my canon. I really enjoyed this look into Graham's thoughts and it's probably pretty accurate. He was already in the shower while she was getting dressed and the look on his face after Emma called, all lead me to believe that he does not enjoy his "City Council Meetings" with Regina.
Hades'Queen chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
I like your story.

Even though I figured that the Sheriff would be Regina's boytoy, it was still disappointing to see.

However, your story kinda of makes me feel sorry for him again. Kinda.

Anyway it was a well written story.
The Outlaw Witch chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
As much as I'm in love w/ Sheriff Graham, I love seeing him struggle between Regina and Emma. Struggling about what he does, but he does it anyway. Especially with hiring Emma. I wonder what can of hell is going to happen to him. I feel pity for him, and love. I can't wait until the next episode.

~The Outlaw Witch~
Willow chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
Yep, that's pretty much what I think was going on in Graham's mind, too. I was so upset when they showed him at the end, and this is the only way I can rationalize it. I hope that whole dalliance ends soon.
Pixie Princess chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
This is the best Sheriff fic out there!
LadyNiko chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
YES YES YES! Oh gods, YES! Seriously - what was going through his mind when he slept with her? Was it because he *wanted* to, or was pretty much *ordered* to?

I somehow don't think that his breaking it off w Regina is going to be easy... That's going to be one heck of a task and Emma's not going to be too happy either if he sleeps with her and then goes back to Regina.

Oh, I can't wait to see how this plays out in the end. I want this show picked up for a whole season and more! :)
Dickensian812 chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
Good character insights!
blueaqua chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
Damn... way to BE! (i meant u and ur oneshot, not the sheriff can be doing SO much better than the ice queen)
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