Reviews for I Didn't Recognise You Without the Handcuffs
Aliko Kinav chapter 1 . 1/30/2014
This was so cute :)
Ms Marvel98 chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
"Hot Tony" I love that ;) And the banter and flirting it was excellent ;)
Wordsplat chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
This is everything I ever wanted in a Cop!Steve fic and more. Their banter was hilarious, and their whole general dynamic was perfect. Loved it :)
Crystal M. Key chapter 1 . 9/14/2012
Oh, I've been flailing and cackling reading this story. Would you please post more in this AU? I love it. Thanks! Favorite quotes:

"Steve! Heya! How's it going?" The man huffed, smiling.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

The man stares at him, spine straightening. "Are you kidding?" Pushing his shades up into his hair, he stares at Steve.

"Hot Tony!" he blurts and then promptly covers his mouth like that could force the words back inside.

The man, clearly Tony now, blinks and then bursts out laughing. "'Hot Tony?' Steve. Really?"

"I didn't recognise you without the handcuffs," he mumbles, looking down at the pavement, feeling over-heated.

Tony laughs, head tilted back into the sunlight. "Geeze. You're a regular riot. Alright then. Were you going in? Let's go in. I could use some sugar. Haven't had coffee in three hours."


Tony extends an arm across the table, palm up, fingers waggling. "Gimme your phone."

Automatically, he drops his phone into Tony's waiting hand, frowning a bit. "What are you..."

"I'm putting my number in it, duh. Alright. Here. Text me so I've got yours." Tony pulls out a fancy contraption that makes Steve think 'ooh shiny!' and looks up at Steve expectantly.
Izzy848 chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
Unchained Insanity chapter 1 . 5/29/2012
Second time u've made me laugh in less than 10 min. i don't even think itz been five. XD nyahaha!

Mizuni-no-neko chapter 1 . 5/18/2012



I think I love you.

For hours I've searched through various fandoms, hoping and praying for good, solid writing with passable background work and adequately detailed description. Each time I was met with failure as Mary Sues, self-inserts, ridiculous plots, horrible writing, soap opera-style emotions, and overdone cliches flooded my mind. I wept in despair that perhaps my quest for readable stories was futile and that all the desirable writers has passed from this Earth on Elfin ships.

But you, my dear. You are a dying breed. Someone with a spark of talent in the art of wordsmithing, with potential there in your keystrokes. Not a perfect gem, by far. A diamond in the rough who has much to learn. For instance, you tend to use the wrong prepositions. At first I thought English might not be your first language because it's a mistake people who grow up speaking a different language make. But if that's the case, then your English is absolutely incredible. If not, your English is still very good, but you should probably work on the preposition thing. Always remember that the more rough drafts you do, the better your story will turn out. Don't be afraid to read it out loud to check for problems in the flow of the words.

But the point remains that the talent is there, and it is rare, and you should do all you can to nurture and grow it because it's special and you are special.

I never really understood until now why reviewers left me marriage proposals.

Keep fucking that chicken.
xSUPERxFANGIRLx chapter 1 . 5/11/2012
Tony Stark in cuffs...I believe it! and I agree with Steve..HOT Tony, The mooning makes it better XD

Liked the whole them meeting up again. Ya did Stark PERFECTLY! Poor Steve was so lost XD
IFeelAliveAgain chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
Moaning Merlin chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
Utterly adorable. I can so see Tony getting arrested to get out of meetings.
Moptop Mordred chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
okay, this is amazing :L
Aikoss chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
wow~ sooo cool jajaja more please
iLingLing chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
Pfft omg this is priceless. Tony would get arrested just to get out of board meetings. And Steve texting just a simple "hi" is just ahsjdkglsj so cute! Great job! 3