Reviews for Good Neighbour
Guest chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
jaja pobre kenshin
A Midsummer chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
Oh my god, I couldn't even continue after she spoke to Kenshin that a skipped the whole conversation and only read Sano's comment. It was so embarrassing.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2014
jaja pobrecito kenshin jaja incluso en el traductor si el traductor la pone como chicaaa jaja mira nada mas espero que algĂșn dia el autor de este fic haga otras mas de esta vecina jaja que me mata de la risa sii en verdad y eso que no los a visto pelear jaja fue genial quisiera mas con esta vesina es decir mas fic con ella como participante jaja en verdad me estoy riendo como loca mientras escribo
kaoruca chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
Oh my God, that was so so funny! Priceless, hahahaha
I can't stop.. hahahhaa
the Dah chapter 1 . 2/3/2013
Hysterically funny. Oh my god, I had to read it twice in a row. Thank you for sharing this story!
Alpecca Ankaa Black chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
I really enjoyed this story; Kenshin is very feminine, isn't he?
J Luc Pitard chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
Nice, subtle and one of those things we all imagine could happen!
skenshingumi chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
Very funny and very charming. I loved everyone's reaction from the spirited and determined grandmother (actually very much like Kaoru in that) to Kenshin being naturally so polite and then beginning to buckle under the strain of Sano's teasing to Sano's hearty laughter. I like how with Sano's crowing you raise the specter of Kenshin being the butt of everyone's laughter over the dinner table.
Faeroen chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
This was hilarious.
reader chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
What an absolute hoot! It was a brilliant idea to write this third person, Meiji era point of view from a kindly old neighbor woman. You ended it perfectly...with thoughts about a wife for Ken-san and (neighborhood scandal in the works here) what *was* that Kamiya girl doing living with a man all of this time!

Thanks for sharing this one. It was great!
FrenchieLeigh chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
Oh my goodness what a hoot! I had never considered what the neighbors might think of the Kenshingumi so thank you for providing a little bit of insight as to what goes on in the neighborhood.

I'm still laughing at the thought of that poor old woman trying to 'save' Ken-chan from her life of servitude.

Very nice; thank you so much!
cassowary chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
i'm with sano here, that was funny!

lots of description, simple writing style...and though i argue that kenshin's the manliest of the lot, oh geez, that poor guy!

thanks for writing this!
Miko-chan chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
Ahaha, the story of Kenshin being mistaken as a girl might not be new , but ohmygoodness i can't help but burst out laughing in earnest when I read Akiko's confrontation.