Reviews for Your Cold Eyes
Ximena chapter 8 . 7/21/2013
Great fic! keep writing i like it
CurlyGleek chapter 8 . 3/29/2012
I've read this story multiple times now - it is just wonderful. You really captured the essence of the characters. I really ship jogan but I do feel so sorry for Zachary! Can't wait to read more from you!
patricia chapter 8 . 3/9/2012
love your fic!
adaydreamer chapter 8 . 2/6/2012
Your writing is phenomenal. Everything was so perfect and it was so great. But I feel really bad for Zachary, but I'm happy for Julian and Loga.
redbirdsflying chapter 8 . 2/6/2012
CREYYYYYYS! I want moreeee! I can't wait until you start your new jogan or sebastian/derek fic! AHHH

This was an amazing story! I loved every minute of it! :D:D:D:D:D:D


and a bag of cookies!
TheRedHatter chapter 8 . 2/6/2012
it was great, thank you for ending it, really like it :D
Ba Dum Tsssssss chapter 7 . 1/19/2012
I need more so badly. This is amazing. It honestly is. I love the story line so much, I love the characterization, I love the writing. Flawless. Undeniably flawless.

Also, I loved Zachary, poor thing. Is he going to get a happy ending? I find I like stories where one does not end up happy, still broken, but healing, you know? It seems too fast, in those stories where a couple breaks up because one of them likes another, and the other one lets him/her go and in the end gets his/her own happy ending with another person too.

It's totally your decision, though! I'm sure I'll love it either way! Update soon!
DeeDeeloris chapter 7 . 1/7/2012
Love Jogan and I loved how you pointed out that all it took was one kiss and Julian was completely his. It was awesome!
redbirdsflying chapter 7 . 1/2/2012
. .

oh i love the whole story! bye bye zachh i liked him, sad to see him go but happy that LOGAN and JULIAN are togetherr! keep writing and please, please, please UPDATE SOOOOON! 3 hearts
tragedy-muse chapter 7 . 1/2/2012
You said you needed the encouragment, so please keep going! Even though I know next to nothing about Glee, I find this amusing and entertaining and intriguing and I squeal a little every time I see there's a new chapter up. XD
chocolatebirdie chapter 6 . 12/7/2011
Pleaaase update soon! *dying* I love this story. I love Jogan. Is Logan going to go after Julian? He should. And then he should kick Zachary's ass. (heh heh heh.)
IBiteStrawberries chapter 6 . 11/25/2011
I really love the story! but I hate Zachary. Go Jogan !
redbirdsflying chapter 6 . 11/24/2011





*goes and sulks in a corner*

Don't worry :) I'll still read your story! I LOVE ITTTT
Glasz Wingsz chapter 6 . 11/24/2011
No, Julian, no! Go back to Logan! :p haha, that was an awesome chapter, despite the horrible CLIFFHANGER! and the sex scene was fine - I actually preferred the way you did it, not too much graphic stuff, but enough to know what's happening. Very nice :)
GleeForeverX3 chapter 6 . 11/24/2011
wow. this story is amazing. the best Logan and Julian i ever read.
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