Reviews for On The Couch
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 1 . 7/20/2019
This is honestly one of my favorite fics! You do a really great job with the characters, and I love the outside point of view. The therapy scene, and everything, every detail preceding it, was excellent. I love the callback to the movie at the end of the line. This is truly, truly beautiful.

The premise is excellent. All of the characters present feel extremely real. I just. I really like this story, and I am glad to have had this opportunity to read it. Thank You so, so much for this! This is excellent.
Your Worshipfulness chapter 1 . 7/17/2018
This is one of my favorite Megamind stories out there. If I could read a huge fanfiction all about the therapy sessions Megamind goes through and how he learns to cope with his emotions and understand himself better, I'd be in heaven. Thank you so much for writing it!
BookWormGirl93 chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
I wish you would continue this. it is really good.
joanhello chapter 1 . 12/15/2016
You have captured his speech pattern so well here! And the interaction with the therapist is entirely believeable. Great story.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
This fic is fantastic. Bravo.
werewolf6780 chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
I REALLY wish there was more to this story! It deserves more chapters!
InsaneProcrastinator007 chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
naaws damn i was looking forward to the actual therapy session!
ohh was brilliant anyways :D
Isabel chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
I love U. This is brilliant. All the characters seemed very like themselves! Great job!
BeetleQueen chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
2 ducks with one rock? XDDD

I loved this fic, very interesting! :)
Vi-Violence chapter 1 . 12/22/2011
This is nice.
RemmyBlack chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
Sure it was standard Megz, sure :) I actually liked it. My mother's a physcologist(sp) so I know a bit about it since I'm at the age of figuring out what I want to do. Anyway back on track, everyone does the whole therapy thing differently but you got it right with your OC having her own way to it.

I like this, especially the doggie :) anyway, this is something I can actually imagine happening. 'Cause you don't go through what Megz does without needing some therapy.

It's a very good story and I like how you end it with how the movie actually started :)
Megamindluv4918 chapter 1 . 11/4/2011
This was a very good fic! :D you kept Megamind in excellent character... better than I can! You have inspired me!
liltrix chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
This was very well done :D
FireChildSlytherin5 chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
I would love to see what is wrong with him. Great one-shot.
TotallySuperDuper chapter 1 . 11/1/2011

I loved your story. It's so cute and has such an "awwww" factor. What a great idea. I can totally see MegaMind doing all those funny things. He really is a kid inside. I am brand new at fanfic and just signed up on Halloween. (still waiting for the spam check to clear). I was hoping you could give me some tips. I noticed your authors note you metioned OC (other character?) and there is lots of other lingo and abberveations used in other stories. Could you fill me in, please! I am asking other people too, if you're like busy or something. I am planning on subbmitting my first chapter ASAP so maybe if you see it, you could give a sujgestion. I really hope I can keep MegaMind in character like you did, but I should be OK. I really love that movie. I only got it one month ago and I already have watched it 24 times. My story is actually going to revolve around MegaMinds dautgher though, so we'll see. Anyways, enough about me, this is your review. I thought your story was great. You did a great job in first person and really stayed in character. You developed your ideas great, and had it paced really well. I love, love, love, your ending, with the movie line. Super! Any suggestions for endings cause I'm having touble finishing my first chapter with a bang! I really want to give a good first impression. About the "awwww" factor, I mean its so sweet the way MegaMinds friends care enough to send him for help. I agree that it would be hard for him to adjust to being the hero, and for the Metro City citizens to accept him right away. I love the way you bring out the child in him, 'cause he is so naive and wanting to impress, just being the villian he went about it the wrong ways. I totally think you should make this one shot a two shot 'cause this first one was sooo great. You had really goood humor and I had a few laughes at many of the parts. Soooo, thanks if you read this a please, pretty please reply.

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