Reviews for Untold Story in Shara (aka Heart of Maze)
NorseGodAlpha chapter 23 . 2/5
Hello there.
Im still reading :)
Saemoon chapter 23 . 9/30/2017
Your story fucked me up, and I loved every bit of the journey

Firstly, many of the characters you use are assholes but it's a good thing I feel that way because your writing is great and brings me so much feels!

I want to see Itsuki die in a very painful and slow way. I can't believe this guy! He raped Fai with his other comrades and still, he dares say Fai is hysterical and shouldn't come back after he run away?! Of course, I hate Rikkudo and the others too but my hate is mostly turned against Itsuki because he seemed to dismiss Fai's situation without even feeling slightly guilty.

And the moment with Toya and Fai! And with Kurogane in the same room! I should hate Toya for what he had done but he seems so confused with himself that I can just feel pity for this man :(

After 70k words I've finally sensed some kurofai and I loved it! I love it when a fiction is slow paced but after all this time it's good to see Kuro-pyon be confused about his feelings for the idiotic mage ;)

I've read your story in one day and now I'm hooked so keep up the excellent work, I can't wait to read you again! :)
Felicja chapter 22 . 1/22/2017
Awww, it's such a great story! it's been a year since last update and I'm afraid you have truly given up on it... Such a shame it would be! it's a wonderful read, even as slow-paced as it may be. I would so love to read more... If you have any inspiration left, please, please continue. It's truly fantastic and I will be so looking forward to seeing more. Cheers.
Reader chapter 22 . 4/9/2016
Oh my goodness! What a great chapter! Finally Fai was able to find Kuro! Please update! I have been eagerly awaiting this moment! I want to see what happens next! Please don't give up. I think this was my favorite chapter thus far. The way you wrote the reuniting scene was great! So heart wrenching how Fai panicked and ran away from Kuro and Kuro had to calm him down and reassure him that he was Kuro. Can't wait for the next chapter!
NorseGodAlpha chapter 22 . 2/19/2016
Awe Thank you .. I love this story so so much ..
SnowyOwl765 chapter 21 . 1/30/2016
Yeah. I feel your pain. I HATE when you, or you read someone elses story that is REALLY FUCKING GOOD with barely ANY reviews, then you read a story THAT SUCKS LIKE SHIT but has OVER FIFTY!

Grrr people. Just grr.
SnowyOwl765 chapter 18 . 1/29/2016
Poor, poor, Fai.

But in terms of chapter advise, I say go with the nice middle. Not too long, not too short.
SnowyOwl765 chapter 11 . 1/29/2016
OMG POOR FAI! (When you said rape at the beginning, I didn think it would be like THIS.)
NorseGodAlpha chapter 21 . 1/18/2016
NO! Don't do that! the story is great ! and please keep writing .. You are really talented and as for reviews some readers don't leave reviews ... In my case I love writing reviews because helps writers to update faster .The new title is good
pds: I will always read your stories beacuse the style and plot are amazing !
chiisalma chapter 21 . 1/17/2016
I just read this story yesterday and finished 21 chapter in short amount of time xD kurofai all the way . I hope they meet mokona and the others soon :(((
Reader chapter 21 . 1/14/2016
Awww! So close to Kuro and Fai talking that it KILLS me. Don't stop - write write write!
NorseGodAlpha chapter 20 . 1/4/2016
Happy New Year! Please I want more KuroFay ! Finally Kurogane have saved Fay baby! thank you for updating ! love the story so much !
NorseGodAlpha chapter 19 . 12/7/2015
I want Kurogane to save him fast ! please .. Poor Fay baby
Jenmoon1 chapter 18 . 12/3/2015
Sad update soon
NorseGodAlpha chapter 18 . 11/30/2015
POOR Fay baby..! please update soon !
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