Reviews for A Great Escape
Nightspark43 chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
This has to be one of my favorite FanFics ever, I just wish the story could be continued, though I don't think the opinion of one person would be enough to convince you to continue Path Not Taken.
creativesm75 chapter 20 . 3/11/2014
LuluCalliope chapter 17 . 11/11/2012
Well, this was a depressing chapter...well, not depressing, just kind of bitter. Still, at least Lanying knows the truth...but I'm not sure that's a good thing.
LuluCalliope chapter 15 . 11/11/2012
Oops, I had a major brain fart when I wrote my last review! (I think that I mentioned that I was having a lot of them earlier, ha ha ha.) I meant to say that the conversation between Xun and the Soothsayer was fascinating, not Lanying. (But I'm not saying that Lanying isn't an interesting character...she's one of the best OCs I've read about!)
LuluCalliope chapter 14 . 11/11/2012
Well, you didn't lose this reader! LOL! I'm not going to leave my computer until I've finished reading this story!

I like the conversation between Lanying and Xun. They're very interesting characters, so a discussion between the two is fascinating!
LuluCalliope chapter 6 . 11/11/2012
Lanying...that's unique name! I like it!

I feel so bad for her. Being "crippled" didn't help her at all. I'm trying to think...if she's old is Lord Shen? I might have read it earlier, but I'm having a brain fart right now. I did read another story that hinted that he was thirty-nine...

Oh, wait, it doesn't really matter, because he isn't really getting married! Ha, ha, ha! And I love the Soothsayer's reaction, and Shen's response. "Nanny, I can explain!"
LuluCalliope chapter 5 . 11/11/2012
Hey, here's another review!

Wow, Shen offering HIMSELF in marriage! Very bold move...very courteous...and slightly romantic, I might add.

I didn't know that Shen was an Indian peacock! and learn. Cool! I learned something new today!
Synchronized Harmony chapter 20 . 8/5/2012
"...because she did not have to say "yes" or outwardly declare that she cared about him as much as he cared about her and that she was so glad that her parents had done one thing right by bringing the two of them together, just as he didn't have to say the L word in order for her to hear it in her head, and to know that it was true.

After all, there are certain things that simply don't have to be said."

When I read this line, I literally heard music playing in my head. Beautiful.
StarrKiwi chapter 20 . 7/20/2012
This is an amazing story! I love it! I loved how in character everyone was.

Lol, my favorite part was the twist towards the end, when everything is going perfectly and it seems almost happily ever after, and then BAM - Xun epically fails. XD Totally awesome climax; I was like O.O I said aloud, "fail Xun." He was my fail of the day.

I really enjoyed this story and I cant wait to read the sequel. :) You're awesome!
CuteBlueCherri chapter 20 . 5/30/2012
Hey, its your faithful fan! _ Finally finished this masterpiece! It was so epicly and wonderfully adorable that I don't even know what to say! Other than:

Every character was beautifully in character. Not once did I have to stop and wonder if a character would actually perform a certain act.

Lanying is such a wonderful OC. :)

I just knew you were gonna make Shen fall in love! I knew it! And I loved it to death. :)

Oh, and when Shen first told Lanying's parents that he could marry their daughter, I totally had this epic squee moment and started freaking out. ;)

Your stories so make my life. :) Well, see ya later! (I'm on to your next ones! :D)
CuteBlueCherri chapter 16 . 5/20/2012
Okay... once again, LOVING this story! Gaahhh, so freaking intense right now!

And at the end of this chapter, when Lanying was like, "What could you possibly hope to gain?" Megamind moment. Just thought I'd say that. Don't know if that was intended or just a coincidence, but it was epic. :)

P.S. - This scene-PERFECT. Gosh, poor Shen... I can totally understand how Lanying must be feeling though. Anyways, love it, never stop writing. Ever.

Blazemane chapter 20 . 5/17/2012
I was reading this one night back in April (and just now read the two chapters I had missed), and I should have been preparing for exams the next day, but I just kept going to the next chapter, and then the next one. Excellent story-telling.

It was interesting- and a bit disheartening- to see Shen feel instinctively ready to kill the Wolf Boss. You conveyed the anger their really well.

And I really liked the idea of Shen preparing himself for another battle- the imagery of him defending Lanying and calling off Ming seemed really heroic.

For all of that, I feel as if the most important action of the story before all the concluding material begins is not that everybody defeats Xuilan and her group, but that Lanying has a panic attack for the reader to actually witness and Shen does his best to console her. It's really interesting how this one simple event finally brings so many of the introspective plots of this story out in the open- Yue and Jie reach a turning point about how they treat Yanling and one another, Lanying is given evidence that Shen does have a real sense of empathy for her, and Shen is shown that, for all of his weaknesses, he is capable of having a good impact on others.

Anyways, you've done a great job bringing together all the different threads running through this story- beyond what's already been mentioned, there was Xuilan and Ming skulking in the background, Shen's wondering whether he could survive Gongmen City, his friendship with the Wolf Boss, etc. This had a really satisfying ending.
Crazybird101 chapter 16 . 2/26/2012
Yep. I saw this comeing.
Crazybird101 chapter 15 . 2/26/2012
Layning and were kissing on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!:)
Crazybird101 chapter 14 . 2/26/2012
I've seen something like this before:) The guy likes the girl and the friend gets jealous:)
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