Reviews for You Got BatRolled!
pt1oef chapter 2 . 8/30/2019
Taxi? This is a brilliant idea.
Mr. BramStoker chapter 18 . 2/27/2019
Something-Wrong chapter 49 . 7/25/2018
Killer Moth is a loser, and Firefly is too (to an extent) but god is damned if Firefly ISN'T going to set the fucking earth on fire before he dies.

Got to love the dynamic between the two by the way. it is pretty much: Firefly sets something on fire, killer moth yells at him, Firefly gets sad and apologizes, Firefly tries to make it up to him and ends up setting something on fire, repeat cycle. XD
Guest chapter 53 . 5/3/2017
could you mak emore lxg fanfics
Guest chapter 22 . 4/1/2016
I have an idea , Hush secretly invites all of of bats exes to Wayne Manor or ... Batman at a JL meeting ( u can do whatever you want with the situation)
Guest chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
I did that date of birth thing that said that you need a condom because you have AMAZING boobs, and I got... 'I killed a homeless guy because I like shoelaces...' and found it fitting.
Dwarven Bonfire chapter 53 . 9/26/2015
I loved literally everything about this chapter dude.
LilyRosetheDreamer chapter 53 . 9/26/2015
Jesus, I'd forgotten how crazy your stories could get! O.O
But yeah, the new Teen Titans is a big let down.
Bit of critique for you, you switch a bit between past and present tense in the beginning; that can be a bit confusing. You stick to present tense later which is good, but just thought you should know.
Anon chapter 53 . 9/9/2015
Offended? This was the bomb! Welcome back, Slug!
TheJokerMan chapter 53 . 9/9/2015
I liked this. It was hilarious! And the predictability of the 'shocker' ending was worth the read.

Yep. He -is- Jaybird.

-J ;)
Scarecrow1337 chapter 34 . 5/7/2014
Dramatic reading of "This is Batman on Drugs"
IcyWhiteParadise chapter 3 . 12/2/2013
Oooh, burn! Riddlerdick insultsdick epic chapter. Love it! :)
IcyWhiteParadise chapter 2 . 12/2/2013
oh my gosh, funniest thing ever! You my friend, you are amazing.
Katherine chapter 7 . 11/22/2013
It's like I have no idea how to respond to this... Although I suppose that is sort of the point of crackfic... So, my husband adors the Haruhi novels, even got the manga that was originally a fan drawn thing that people liked so much the company made it official,and gave it their blessing haha. I love how much color our manga collection (honestly three ceiling height bookshelves) add to the library, half of which I can't read because it's Japanese :).

Riddler is a dick was pretty hilarious, probably my favorite, because he and Jonny are my favorite villains, but Ed is really a huge, ginger dick most of the time. (Normally I don't use phrases like 'huge ginger dick' in my reviews... Thank you for the opportunity lmao.) I kind of get the Scarecrow-won't-leave thing. Once you let him in to write him, he just stays and hangs around saying snide stuff in your head hahaha.
DatReader chapter 51 . 7/24/2013
HEY If you are still accepting suggestions, or if you even accept them, here is one:
Penguin calling out Robin to ghost bust at his house, Robin arrives with a vacuum cleaner to "ghost bust", then "ghost busting" ensues with Scarecrow jump scares and in the end it being The Joker all along out of love envy :D. Just a suggestion, I don't know if you will find it on your style, but I just thought of trying :D
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