Reviews for Red Potter
DevilX.reini chapter 37 . 3/16/2017
Ahem, so... I've been marathon-ing your story from a few days ago, and I'm surprised that Pokemon and Harry Potter world can be so cool when it combined. It's really, really cool and awesome and man, I think for how many words you made (wrote) the past few days is the fastes for me, because I can't wait to read the rest! Really, you're awesome. A bit sad that Silver just become friends with Gold though, but it's alright. Still kinda expecting some Green-Red moments until the end though hehe, but oh well. Again, it's really cool and hope you'll stay like that too :) ;)
UnbiasedBias chapter 37 . 2/11/2017
This story began with a brief rehash of Harry Potter and rapidly involved into an incredible narrative that engulfed all of HP and Pokemon's themes and more. It's amazing how you worked all the story lines of all the games into this amazing piece of work. Your theme of Love is also beautiful in its portrayal - I didn't quite realise the depth of it until you mentioned it in an author note near the end, and with your final chapter. Your characters' growth is fantastic as are their flaws and I think you handled all their issues well, and realistically. This has been a fantastic read, and I'm grateful that you wrote it. Thank you!
AnonymousAutumn chapter 37 . 11/24/2016
You have no idea how good this fic is. Like seriously; this is BETTER than some novels I read. The ending, hell, that was so nice I can't evenI'm speechless. This is too good. The twists and-I'm sorry, I can't. Words fail me. Good job and thank you so much. Thank you.
You're kidding chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
This is rated T?! Oh yeah, sex, torture, pedofilia, suicide, And probably more. THAT IS SO NOT T RATED MATERIAL!
Superspartan117 chapter 37 . 9/4/2016
This is one of my favorite fics ever. I've read fics of either Harry Potter or Pokemon but none have been as good as this. Love it,I'll probably read it over and over again. This made me think it was a real Harry Potter book. It fixed things I thought should've been fixed(the flying car in chamber of secrets). I wish I could have been there through the five years it was coming out,but alas I could not be. I love this fic and wish I could have more
Falcrow chapter 16 . 8/6/2016
That is possibly the best slow build up to a relationship I have ever seen, bravo 3
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
I found this story on Archiveofourown first and I was so disappointed that I couldn't favourite it or give it an amazing review. I was so thrilled to find this on ! What an unbelievable story and such great characters :) you melded Harry Potter and Pokemon SO well. Great job, seriously. Keep writing :)
coralsky chapter 37 . 5/13/2016
Daino, congrats, congrats and congrats!

What an amazing ending to an unbelievable story. I fell in love and sympathized with all of your characters, and the plot twists and subtle nuances never failed to make me gasp. Thank you so much for writing this story and finishing it. You did a fantastic job.

Now I need to go and sulk that neither Pokemon nor Harry Potter are real.

(Seriously though, this story has been bloody awesome, and I love it. Thank you.)
Siobhan chapter 37 . 5/11/2016
I'm, honestly, really happy and proud right now. Happy because my favorite fic just ended in a way that seemed really natural. I mean I'm happy that you did nineteen months instead of years, because your able to show that the problems didn't all just disappear, but took time to resolve (like the thing with Gold and Silver).

I feel really proud both with this fic and you. Like, I think I came across this fic when it was about 18? chapters in? (I remember it was sometime around the gold pov triology because I finished and felt like sobbing because at that point I was binge reading this fic.). And lemme just say, it was a fuckin ride. This fic has come such a long way, with tone shifts (which I equally love. The beginning was just so much more...I wanna say innocent. And then as you get further and further into the fic, it just gets darker. And I want to hug you because it just fits so well.). And I feel so proud and thankful of you because I know you've had some rough times and could easily have dropped the fic, but you didn't, and I... Just thank you for what you have gifted us with. Also, I was curious about just how long this fic is, so I did some research, and it turns out this fic is just as long if not longer than the entire lord of the rings series. That's including the hobbit. And that's a long story to stick to, so I admire your dedication.

Wow, I didn't mean to ramble like this, love for this fic is overflowing. I get this warm feeling in my chest when I think of it.

Love, Siobhan
Kukat chapter 37 . 5/10/2016
Oh my gosh I actually cried a bit, this was rounded off perfectly and your ending note was so sincerely fitting. You're an amazing writer, and from you write your characters and messages I can tell you're an amazing person. Thank you for everything you have done with this work.
DaPokemonMadster chapter 37 . 5/8/2016
*Deep breath*
... Wow. Yeah... holy cow. To think that it's over... Heck, I've been following this story for only about a year, less than that, even, but this ending still hit me hard. Really hard. This fic's been a constant for me, as well, this past year, and having it be... over... is crazy hard to think about. I can't imagine what it feels like for you right now. To tell the truth, as soon as I finished this epilogue, I lay down on the bed, then got up and did some other menial tasks for about an hour just trying to wrap my head around everything. I can't really put into words what it's like to read a piece like this... one as brilliant, well-though out and written, and just... this fic is on par with tons of published and well-known books I've read... and the experience of reading this and finishing it is just as euphoric and crushing as it is every time one finishes an incredible story. Thank YOU, Daino, for bringing this to us. Wow.
Heh, and now onto the chapter, I suppose. Wow, yeah, it's totally understandable that they don't really have a direction to go after all that. I didn't even give a thought to that in the last chapter, and I'm glad you added that, since that was never really gone over in detail in the Harry Potter series. Ahhh, and Black and N's wedding is happening! How great for them! Though yep, wedding's are very, very taxing, hehe. Gosh, Kyouhei, calm yourself. Well, I hope Black DOES end up writing down their story. It might give him something to do, some goal to accomplish, after the wedding's over and done with. Aw geez, Red and Green are so cute together!
Red Pot- er.. Oak, gosh darn it, Green was thinking in the last chapter how he didn't want you to go up some forsaken mountain peak! Geez, dude! But I'm glad he ended up with Steven's pokémon, and is taking good care of them. And holy cow, am I glad that he's finally got the will and motivation to live. The poor boy deserves to be happy, finally. He's been through so much... they all have. Heck, and Gold and Silver are back on speaking terms, and are kinda friends again, thank goodness. White and Blue make me so happy, heck. I'd never even thought of that pairing before, since it doesn't make much sense in the manga-verse, really. But in this story, it's just.. so perfect! And I love them together so much!
Ahhh, poor Ruby. I'm still torn up about Norman and Flannery. And I'm sure he's hurting much worse. I hope Sapph's helping him through. I'm really glad to hear that Red and Ash are on such good terms, and that Pika's decided he actually really likes Ash! I still hate Delia for everything, but I never blamed Ash. I mean, yeah, he's pretty dumb, but he's so innocent and positive, and I'm glad he got to go on his journey. Dysfunctional body guards or no.
Aahhh, yes, the Sinnoh OT3! I love them so much, heck. And Dia opened a bakery? That's so adorably perfect for him! Gah! And YELLOW! Gosh, she's always been one of my favorites, and it makes me really happy that you characterize her in the way you do. I'm tired of people writing her as a shy little girl that can't fight and can barely speak without a stutter, because she's not, and I'm happy you appreciate her battling prowess! I was grinning from ear to ear when I heard about all her gym challenges and how she's doing it all with just her butterfree!
It seems Crys is doing alright after the battle. I'm glad she became good friends with Green, I headcanon them as good, nerdy friends, so I was quite pleased to see that in here.
Yeah. Wow. I don't think I have anything else to say, it's just weird to think that this is the last review I'll ever be posting on this story. Heck, man.
Just... thank you. Thank you so, so much for the gift that is Red Potter.
BlazingKaiogra chapter 37 . 5/8/2016
Aah gosh, just wanted to say thank you for this amazing fic! I think I found it maybe like a year ago and thought the premise was a bit odd, but decided to give it a try and I'm really glad I did. I'm not even sure how to express how I feel, but it's all good feelings haha ;u; Your characterization and the way you wrote everyone's relationships was amazing and the way you mixed both Pokemon and Harry Potter together was really great, sometimes it was hard to believe this was just an AU.

Not really sure what else to say, but I really really enjoyed this fic and I'm kind of sad to see it end. Even if I felt like the ending was a bit underwhelming, I really like how you ended things. Not everything is perfect, but things will find a way o Your message is also really wonderful, and I hope you also have a happy life!

So once again, I really loved this and I commend you for finishing it! I wish you well in whatever else you pursue v
BelaLiech chapter 37 . 5/8/2016
Damn, I can't believe this is actually over. I think I started reading this fic around 2012/2013, so I haven't been here from the beginning, but it sure feels like it.

There are a lot of things I want to say, but I don't know how many of them I'll be able to word.

First of all, I want to say thank you. Red Potter has been a truly unique experience in my life, and it's changed my perspective on many things. It may sound like I'm exaggerating, but I wouldn't be the same person as I am now if I had never stumbled into this fic.

It had its ups and its down, but overall it was a really fun ride. I loved how one could always feel what the characters where feeling, and the way you write will always stick with me.

I will miss looking forward to new chapters, and I will come back to reread it more than once.

Always looking forward for any new fics!
me guesta chapter 37 . 5/8/2016
Such precious babies they are... -QQ-
Randomblackberry chapter 37 . 5/8/2016
It's done.
Wow. It's over.
I don't have a lot to say about this chapter itself, except for its a pity that Gold and Silver didn't work out (It will eventually, but just not right now) and that we didn't get to see N and Black's wedding, which would probably be fucking hilarious. But damn, everyone's so moderately happy and (mostly) alive and it just makes me so happy to read.
I am so glad that I saw this fic, literally went 'What crazy person came up with this idea' and, intrigued, began to read.
You have incredible strength to have not given up through five years of this story, and I commend you. You've done brilliantly. Thank you so much for this experience, I hope you'll write another story soon, and I'll heed your message, and fix things up with my own friends.
I can't thank you enough. For the last time on this fic, goodbye.


(And. Um. If you like cookies. Plz take all these ones I just poofed out of thin air *throws*)
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