Reviews for No Quiet Man's Descent
TheKeeperoftheMeow chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
Well...This was...intense...I loved it.
BekTehGreat chapter 1 . 2/28/2012

I think I died. I think my heart just exploded all over the place and I just... HNNNNG

and then Varric is the perfect end. because Varric 3

and Fenris. and Hawke. and ughhh

i have been reduced to "djoiajsdljfajds" puddles. Thank you for that XD
Shakespira chapter 1 . 11/28/2011've combined angst, humor and incredibly hot slash in one concise story. This was just awesome!

The dialogue between Fenris and Hawke is lively and lusty and fun at times and serious when it needs to be, all deftly woven together. I love that Fenris is jealous of Tallis and oh my, Hawke really did step in it. LOL!

I'm incoherent but I'm still chuckling while trying to cool myself off. ;)

Great one-shot!
LittleLeto chapter 1 . 11/9/2011
I'm staggered that this has only had one review so far. This is an accomplished, masterfully-written piece with some quite frankly mind-blowing sex between the wonderfully in-character Fenris and your brilliant Guy Hawke. Smut aside, the narrative and the way you describe the surroundings are wonderful and really make me feel immersed, as if I was in the next alcove (if only!)

Some very nice humourous touches, as well, and a bit of angst at the end that was perfectly disrupted by Varric's: 'Oh Guy! Sooooooo full...' ROFL!

Bravo! I look forward to seeing more from you!
Na'hiel chapter 1 . 11/4/2011
Oh my, how is it that this story doesn't have any reviews?

I loved it! It was just perfect, and having just played that particular part of the game and taken Varric and Fenris with me, the whole thing was very fresh in my mind. Well done. All characters seemed to be spot on, and I very much like your Hawke.

Thanks for the great read!