Reviews for The Next Generation of Smashers
Yawza chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
Damn, this story is still here and has actually been updated? Slowly but surely. A lot I've missed, so I'll have to save this one for a rainyday. By the way, this PsychoSocial777. Good luck with the story and whatnot.
MaliciousGravy chapter 27 . 9/28/2013
I thought it was dead as well! Glad to see you're alive too. Welcome back I guess?
IntergalacticToaster chapter 27 . 9/27/2013
HOLY CRAP YOU'RE STILL ALIVE! I was for sure that this story was done for considering how long it has been! Looks like the first few kills are settling in now... Luna... Nick... Lea... Three in one chapter. Wait, if the Chosen die does that mean that their Smashers die as well? Or would the Smashers go back to their original bodies and have to find someone else to take over?
Anyways, it's good to see you still back up and at it. School is a common excuse but an explainable one. Maybe listening to music will help give you more inspiration to write?
IntergalacticToaster chapter 26 . 6/17/2013
So finally got to catch up! Only... There wasnt much to catch up on... Geez its been since April since the last update. I dont blame you though, FanFic is slowly dying out after all, save a few loyal people.
DarkZelda chapter 26 . 4/9/2013
Yay, Espirus can be defeated! I can't wait for the fight, and for the Smashers to get their bodies back. I don't know what else to say, except keep up the wonderful work!
Shikishima chapter 25 . 2/26/2013
Yay, update :D

I totally agree with your mary sue rant -_-" having a perfect super mega ultra strong person is too boring! add some flaws! I try not to make mary sues... Dominique isn't a mary sure, is she?

Anyways, on to the review!

Cool, spy missions are always fun, suspenseful, and end horribly xD well, some do at least...

Can't wait for the next chapter and how the incognito mission turns out! fingers crossed Lea :)
DarkZelda chapter 25 . 2/25/2013
Yay for spying! I feel like the mission will go really well, or become exposed and they're all screwed. Anyway, the grammar and spelling looked fine to me. Keep up the great work!
MaliciousGravy chapter 25 . 2/24/2013
How many chapters haven't I reviewed? ._.
IntergalacticToaster chapter 24 . 2/20/2013
Hey! Don't leave us in the dust alright? ;) Still gotta finish the series. And if you need an editor, ask people around! It'll make the job easier. I'm up for helping oh edit past chapters too if you want :D
DarkZelda chapter 24 . 1/20/2013
The scene between Jake and Lea was nice. This story is WAY better than my Legend of Smash(I have not quit on it though, I'm trying to figure out how to actually make it a story). I found a small mistake though.

[She told Nick about her concerns for the mission, how she was afraid of failing.]
Shouldn't Nick be Jake? Other than that, everything seemed amazing.

I wish you luck on all your stories! I also hope that your hard drive doesn't crash, which happened to my computer with all my stories and bios on it a few days ago.
Shikishima chapter 23 . 12/30/2012
holy cupcake on a dairy cow (lolwut), i am so sorry for not reviewing the past few chapters :( i've been busy and stuff... thank goodness its break! :D how was your christmas?

I like your bad guy's names :) its more creative than what I would name mine...

poor imp :(

yay, go badass Coleman! :D

Love this chapter by the way, cant wait for the next one!
DarkZelda chapter 23 . 12/28/2012
What an interesting and amazing chapter. I'm very interested in Fere and Imynd, and the things they'll do later in the story. I really like the battle descriptions and action in this chapter. Keep up the great work!
DarkZelda chapter 22 . 12/18/2012
Amazing chapter! I don't have any complaints about the chapter, everything was excellent. The little bit a the end came off as a bit humorous to me, and the interaction between OCs really were nice and more realistic. Great job, keep up the great work!
MaliciousGravy chapter 22 . 12/18/2012
Can't think of anything to say other than awesome...
IntergalacticToaster chapter 22 . 12/17/2012
That. Was. Adorable. I really liked this chapter too, we got to see a side of Coleman we rarely see as well as the flaws for characters! Woot! Space for character development!
Also the cliffhanger was left at a pretty good spot, kinda refreshing considering the lack of cliffhangers here. It leaves us wanting more
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