Reviews for Of Scarred Tissue and Broken Kisses
rebecca-in-blue chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
Oh my goodness, this is just gorgeous. I love how your writing is so subtle and restrained, yet still captures so much love and angst between Charles and Erik. Your descriptions of the scars on Erik's body, and Charles's reactions to them, are just perfect. Wonderful work.
Someonefromthefuture chapter 1 . 6/24/2014
I am so sorry for getting this wrong, but this is one of the two saddest Cherik stories ever. The way they are completely alone in what they have been through, completely alone in understanding what it feels like to be with each other, inevitable, unavoidable, losing everything and gaining nothing, but going through the motions all the same because changing anything would require thinking about it and thinking does not help with the pain, does not make the lies go away. Thinking can't conjure up love - and I can't make out if it's love or an illusion of love. And maybe they don't know either, but they are trapped into not knowing or perhaps not wanting to know. Because Charles can't believe it's not love and Erik can't believe it is, but sometimes it's the reverse and nothing is true anymore. Thank you for writing this.
Huh chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
Halane chapter 1 . 10/18/2011

Don't worry about taking a while for replying, I am pretty much as you are, so it's okay!

Quoting first?

"Tracing fingertips over veins and ghosting blunt nails against the arteries beneath the first layer of skin."

OK, I really like this sentence, though I must confess I find it completely senseless. But it sounds so good I can't help but love it anyway XD BTW, I know it is not in this sentence, but I had never heard the word "akin" O.O Is it like... I don't know how to ask... A usual word? xD

"Lips pushing against years of stolen childhood and pain that has long since flared into cold hard hatred."

Lovely image. You are a genious at painting with words!

"(And Charles wants Erik to remember the curve of his mouth, the edge of his teeth and the shape of his tongue.)"

Wah, so hot!

"Erik is an artwork made from raw planted hate, now flushed with rage."

Nice description!

""Speak your mind."

"Some things are better left unsaid, my friend.""

I've just had a horrible conversation with my boyfriend, and this really hit it (

""I didn't know we were arguing.""

We didn't know either XD

I had so much to say, but really, with those hit lines I don't feel like talking any more XDDDD Bad night for romantic fics, I guess! XD

To favs!

Kahenia chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
Really good. Deep and sad and almost dramatic, but the seriousness is quite compensated by the tender kisses they share. Liked the denial from both of them and the unspoken feelings. Nice job!