Reviews for Crow
shadow writes hell chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
This was just so so so so beautiful...
Tophfaith chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
Good, good , just made me cry of ...
LoverOfWhiteWolves chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
aw i luv this story its a fav i cryed a bit pleaz make more stories
MoonTribeWarrior625 chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
This fic is so beautiful, I'm nearly speechless. When everytime I read it, I feel comfortable but sad at the same time. Love it! 3
Daughter of Yumigami chapter 1 . 10/24/2011
*sniffs and rubs eyes* Oh Kitty, that was os sad and at the same time so wonderful! This is a very good story! Now I want to write my own Kurow one-shot. Well, see ya next time! Adieu!

Needles of Rain chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
KIIIITTTTYYYYYYY! You made me cry. ;~; Great, detailed, and very touching as always... I'm gonna hate seeing you-know-who cry at the end of okamiden. She's gonna hate it. And also, this is a very creative idea though... Love your stories.
DesiQuiche chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
FUUUUU-you made me cry. Then again, I have made quite a few people cry with my Kurow one-shot, so I guess it's just karma. *shrug* This makes meh sad. But, on the positive side, you joined the Kurow one-shot bandwagon! *shot* Yeah, I can fail at trying to be positive at times...but it's the thought that counts...right? Anyways, awesome (yet sad) one-shot. *adds to favorites*
NeonGreenSheep chapter 1 . 10/14/2011
*wiping tears from eyes* Gah, I hate Waka now! Couldn't he have made a back-up body or something? Waaaaaa!

Kaladae: Stop crying.

You are heartless! *bawls some more while making a little grave stone for Kurow in the backyard*

Kaladae: The story was amazing, by the way.

*sniffles* Kurow...
TheManWithBacon chapter 1 . 10/14/2011
That was pretty dang good! Big sad face at the end though...poor Kurow.