Reviews for And We Drank
Red13Rabbit chapter 1 . 4/22
I like this
n e e n u h h chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
I loved this story! I think you did an exhalent job portraying the two vampires. They were just like how they should be! Thank you!

I like the blood play, and although I do believe you ended this story in just the right place, I wouldn’t have mine a nice bloody smut sean!

Nevertheless, it was still amazing. :)
kamimimi chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
a-amg, my hato- /flails
Brandieeshipman chapter 1 . 12/1/2011
Wow that was amazing! I could feel them through your wrighting. Truly wonderfull! I cant deside if I like that it was only a one shot tho... It ended so well and gave just enough to teas but still feel complet, but on the other hand i still want more :-( . It was great tho one of my new favorites!
Saphira Kailen chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
I liked it *o*

Zero x Kaname w
xxxl chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
so bloody delicious! I loved the passion in your writting.
adsfjkld chapter 1 . 10/15/2011


seriously amazing.
kittyzero chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
This was really amazing c: I know what you mean about one-shots shaming your longer fics though. I feel the same about my stuff sometimes. They're all the passion and drama wrapped into a small but potent dose C: How can they not be amazing? Anyway, great job!
Chyny chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
just perfect
Mycha chapter 1 . 10/11/2011
Very well done! It was definitely an emotional tidal wave from Zero's point of view, but you did it well, both as a first person piece and as a story overall.

5000 words? Bah. This didn't need any more than it has. )
Sagakure chapter 1 . 10/11/2011
So delicious! 8D *is drooling*

You wrote them so well! I so hope you might feel like writing more for Vampire Knight, and perhaps in particular some Zero x Kaname? :D

(Most fics are Kaname x Zero, so Zero x Kaname fans are always dying for some of their beloved pairing... XD; So I can't help but ask when I see good fics with the two. :D)