Reviews for Life Worth Living
EmptyShadows18 chapter 17 . 7/15/2014
This was one seriously f-ed up story... I loved it!
icturner chapter 3 . 12/30/2011
Sorry I just couldn't continue after this chapter. It seems like ur all over the place. It's hard to follow. Seems like it could he a good story but maybe needs to be pulled together a little bit? But it's just my opinion. Good luck with all ur writings!
PJ littlefoot chapter 5 . 12/26/2011
I am so confused. I'm wondering if he ever seen bella to begin with. Actually I'm wonder if anything that's happened has been real at all.
TrueSkye chapter 17 . 12/2/2011
...ok, I KNOW I overuse it, and totally sound like an asthmatic at a smokers' convention, but...


You whipped out the magic incantation. Good one. Clever.

Giving her life for his second chance. THAT'S awesome. And leaves me with an emotional lump in my throat.
wendy1969 chapter 16 . 12/1/2011
Hey chook

Well it was a fantastic chapter and i am glad they actually sat and talked it out.

they needed to get what they felt out in the open. I am glad they have all settled in to their own relationships and the children thing... hell woman. i am glad that i didnt have twins. four singular births and two miscarriages is enough in my life.

And the first was an emergency C-section by an inept anesiologist or however you spell that, (the one who puts the spinal in to your back with the numbing drug.) a doctor who panicked and called in another doctor after inducing me because i had no contractions and my first layer of waters broke.

So yeah, i know pain and birth hand in hand. my hubby's hands barely made it out of the hospital connected to his wrist.

Same as with our wedding. lol.

So yeah, i loved how this chapter went because it brought back some hilarious memories for me.

Look after yourself and great bloody chapter by the way.
HeavenlyAngel34 chapter 16 . 12/1/2011
Loved it! Can't wait to see what will happen next!
HeavenlyAngel34 chapter 15 . 12/1/2011
Loved it!
HeavenlyAngel34 chapter 14 . 12/1/2011
Loved it!
TrueSkye chapter 16 . 12/1/2011
OMG babe, this chapter owned me; let me count the ways:

1) "We're not even Facebook friends," LOVE it! Hilarious.

2) J's proposal...and wanting a nice round number of specifically eight babies!

3) She said YES! And Elvis married them.

4) "a healthy fear of pigs?" What the...? YOU are wonderfully wacky, anilag!

5) "...I only breathe because you do." Awww heck, loved her violence and his Plan B.

6) J got his happy ending, and a life worth living. And I'm happy.

SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! **well, you get the point ;)**
HeavenlyAngel34 chapter 13 . 12/1/2011
Loved it!
HeavenlyAngel34 chapter 12 . 12/1/2011
Loved it!
HeavenlyAngel34 chapter 11 . 12/1/2011
Loved it!
Xo Bella Italiana oX chapter 15 . 11/29/2011
Wtf? Why r u making Jasper so stupid? U controdict everything you write! Did u not just write in the last chapter that he was goingyo man up and get his girl back? I can't read this if you r going to make my fa protection character her such an idiot. He obviously doesn't care about Bella if he is doing this shit. If he did He would fight for her.
TrueSkye chapter 15 . 11/29/2011
Wow, Jasper, the accidental matchmaker w/Riley and Eric...hmmm. SCORE.

Hurray! He FINALLY has a life worth living. (and I looove the tattoo...)
TrueSkye chapter 14 . 11/27/2011
Ding dong the Dickward's dead. And a hearty 'hallelujah' on that, sugar!

Great how this circled the story back around. And wow, Alice was even more twisted than I thought...well, happy she's dead.

Bella's POV was eye-opening. But she found Belle's necklace...Yay!

Hot double action cab head, you go, Jasper!
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