Reviews for A Visit With an Old Friend
yingyanggirl chapter 1 . 5/11
A beautiful concept brought to life! Well done!
Dat Nerd Bitch chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
Given that Doc changed history by marrying Clara, it's not too unbelievable that he would have some Great, Great, Great, Great-something descendants running around in Modern-Day.

The Tannen part is hilarious though! (Biff's Descendant falling for Marty's Grand-Daughter must have been a shock to everyone involved, LMAO!) X'D

It's also ironic that Marty's Descendant married one of Doc's, now there are a Bunch of McFly-Tannen Hybrids as well as a bunch of Brown-McFly Hybrids everywhere! (Oh God!, if McFly's are also prone to high intellectual capacities, then HOW MENTALLY LOADED are the Brown-McFlies?, it's probably terrifying how smart that they are!) X'D

On the subject of this story, good job, it's written incredibly well and very emotional (Although the way that you worded a few things was pretty confusing!).

On the whole though, great work!.
Irymia chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
Interesting concept and such a bittersweet ending. You almost got me crying, and I haven't cried over a story for months.
Ginevra Annabeth Herondale chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
This made me quite emotional, but I loved it! Thank you for writing this!
88 chapter 1 . 5/31/2016
This made me cry. First fan fiction to make me cry. Thought I'd let you know. *Sad hiccuping smile.
ShayL92 chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
So sad but written so well. However Doc meeting up with teenage Marty back in 1987 kind of softens the blow a bit of Doc seeing old Marty dying in the future. Anyway, I'm with Doc on this why couldn't future Marty have passed on peacefully in his sleep? I love how you worked in his signature expression "heavy". That always amused me in the movies. First time I heard it like Doc I had no idea what it meant but now I kinda do. Anyway, I do like this even if it is a little sad. I loved the ending though.
Harry Albus Potter Dumbledore chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
Brilliant one-shot! I especially like the idea that Doc and Marty has a great-grandson together through marriage. Thanks for sharing.
Samsung Super Aladdin Boy II chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
The first time I went through the BttF archive, I skipped over this because it seemed to depressing. I went, Ah, what the hell, and I was right. I cried, and then I laughed, and then I took a break and came back, and then I cried again. The ending was upbeat, but that part made cry the hardest. It was written wonderfully and the premise is original. Bravo!
Jack-Sparr0w chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
This is a beautiful story. The trilogy will always be close to my heart and this story really touched my heart. Love the role reversal concept. You'd think that it would be Marty going to visit Doc at a retirement home instead of the other way around. Bravo. Well done.
Blake2020 chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
cool lol
Mists chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
Very powerful! It just pulls on all the heartstrings. Such an amazing story. Excellent job!
corbeauprophet chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
What can I say? This is brilliant! Just amazingly brilliant!
I can see the characters, I can ear them and it is so sad, and painful and... So much feelings! Arglh!
You're a genius.
Morgane Lurker chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
Aw, this was a great piece of fic! You convey the emotional story arc very well in this. from stale and lonely (you've described spot-on how awful some nursing homes can be) to the melancholy of reminiscing, Doc's shock and sadness at what happens, and then the desåite-it-all happy ending. Everyone seemed very IC - I can really picture what happens and hear the characters speak.

There's a dozen other things I'd love to gush over as well, but sadly I don't have the time (heh...). Anyway, thanks for the read!

Back from then chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
Love love loved it. real original story and really touching. great work!
CandyGalaxy chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Beautiful story, wonderfully written! ; u ; Made me all teary-eyed ~
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