Reviews for And Maxanne Lives Happily Ever After
Anonymous chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
I love this so much! You should continue this! I think that Max started working at the house of mouse after he graduated college as well, because he seems old for a college student. Beside, during his college time, he wasn't home and Mickey and Minie live in Spoonervile as well so it doesn't make sense that he worked there during college. Ao I think that after Max graduated college, he and Roxanne got back together. Hope I'm not wrong. I love this couple so much and I can't stand seeing him with Mona. I think the reason she replaced Roxanne in Mickey's twice upon a christmas is because it was hard to create Roxanne's hair in that old computer animation. The undeveloped computer animation in "Mickey's twice upon a christmas" was another reason that I dislkied the movie in general. I wish Disney would someday make a new goofy movie and make Max and Roxanne together again, it would be awsome if they get married and have kids! 3333
Raspberries Jam chapter 1 . 9/18/2013
Well it's been a couple of years since you wrote this. But I still want to reveiw it.
It was amazing!
I will always love Max and Roxanne together; and I liked how you fitted things with Mona (which I never really like as Max girlfriend.
Just hope that even if it has been long, you never gave up on this two.
Keep up the hard work!
- D -
Dark Shining Light chapter 1 . 9/11/2013 this! :D You did an amazing job!
FanficLoverForever135 chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
Beautiful! I love maxanne! Max and Mona just don't do it for me, so you story was just perfect :)
SonicBlueBlur chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
Awww! This is so wonderful! Really! It's really hard to describe your story, but I think "wonderful", "cute" and "great" are the most appropiate words.

You said that we somehow could tell you if we wanted you to continue your story. Well, seeing how it ends, I'd say "yes, you should continue this story". But if I were you, I wouldn't add more chapters to this story. The reason is simple: THE ENDING IS OUTSTANDING! (As Powerline would say: It stands out ) Now, seriously, if you decide to continue this piece-of-heaven story, I think you should make a sequel.

Anime Queen chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
! make it a continuous story. i would absolutly LOVE to read more.