Reviews for Sweet Surrender
survivachick chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
That one was crazy... crazy good somehow but lord tough stuff!
In reality (i mean the ficitional House MD reality lol) i don't think he'd ever given into that, I don't assume she'd really asked him to fuck her like one of his whores either. But it was nice and interesting plot for a fiction. Very well written, especially the lack of emotion and the sole giving in to an animalistic need of his when sexing up a hooker.
paulac45 chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
Nice, and have always thought the 'hotel and hookers' period was him trying to forget and numb himself rather than anger and revenge.
BJAllen815 chapter 1 . 10/17/2011
I loved this story. If there was/is any chance of House and Cuddy being together again, there is going to be the issue of the hookers... and I loBe the way you handled it. I hope that you continue writing your other stories... It's been a while since you updated 'If You Let Me..." I hope you aren't done with it!
Prince Hel chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
I'm not used to leave reviews... mostly because english is not my native language (I apologize in advance for any mistake) and that's why I don't feel comfortable making a long comment. But after this fic, I'm fangirling so hard and I just want to tell you that I've read all your fics and none of the lots of fics I've read, make me feel like yours. You make a mess with my emotions!, in a good way, of course, because all the drama is worth it when they finally resolve their problems and have their happy ending 3

The way you write the characters is wonderful and the topics discussed in each stories... I could tell you a lot of detail things about your fics if I could write you in my own language, lol, but I think with this you can have an idea: YOU'RE A INCREDIBLE WRITTER AND I LOVE YOUR FICS SO MUCH!

I really hope that you never stop delight us with your amazing fics 3
newsession chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
Well done. Thank you!
lenasti16 chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
This is a bit "disturbing" to read especially the part where House was "showing" Cuddy how and what it feels like when he was with those hookers (since I actually don't read, #Huddy fics where Cuddy was sexually abused or raped).. I guess that was really the point the writers were trying to show us during those episodes with the hookers. But, one thing, I find disturbing was the part where House was in the bath tub with the hooker and Cuddy was in his office with the team on speaker phone and House was kissing the hooker's toes. Of course, Cuddy can't see him doing that but he knows she was there. He was somehow, delicate and gentle with that hooker and when I did watch that scene before, I feel bad that he was doing what he did to Cuddy during their lovemaking (being gentle and tender) to that nameless hooker. Now, I understood that House's main intention there was to actually make Cuddy feel (or hear) that she was no different and trying to be hurtful, as if reassuring himself too that sex with them is the same as with Cuddy. He was just "fooling" himself for thinking that it's the same with Cuddy. So, thank you for this... Now, I have a different perspective/view of that scene...
housebound chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
You are an amazing writer. Bravo! I bow to your brilliance. :-)
Abby chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
Are you a professional writer? You're so talented. House and Cuddy fans are lucky to have you. Please keep writing.
JLCH chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
That was COMPLETELY in character! I have never read anyone ever explain House's fascination with hookers until now. It totally makes sense. I always knew they meant nothing to him but it just all makes sense now. Congrats Maya on another great fic!

And happy birthday my fellow Libra Zosia!
newdayz chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
It is my never ending hope that at some point in Season 8 Huddy will reunite in this way!
oc7ober chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
You're a pretty awesome friend, you know that? And I really mean it :* It was just perfect and I'm truly touched that you dedicated it to me (not to mention surprised me!).

ILU like, seriously. :*

(oh, but it's 'z okazji', as in 2 separate words, you illiterate :P)
IHeartHouseCuddy chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
Once again, a flawless story from you. I love the honesty and passion in your writing. It's pure brilliance.
Suzieqlondon chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
I don't know how you do it. Incredible and beyond moving, I was close to tears at times, thank you once again, Maya.
maszatka chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
wooow! it was intense. and it's a very interesting idea. but I can imagine this as a way out of the shit DS made.

I liked the Rachel/Ross reference.

and my favorite line was: "The tragic irony of her life had hit her then: she had no one to comfort her or assuage her pain, because the one person in front of which she'd ever allow herself to be weak wasn't there anymore." this is brilliant because it's so true!

then again, THANKS for keep writing Maya! and Happy Bday Oc7ober!
yawn chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
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