Reviews for The Sins of Man
Tomon chapter 38 . 9/18/2017
Glad to see you alive! :) Decided to reread the whole story and is still as good as I remembered. While not always perfect, it's a very enjoyable tale and one that I definitely hope you will continue.
After all we really wish to know how it will end with both Father and the reapers.
lambo105 chapter 38 . 5/27/2016
I've seen your author's notes, and I'm enjoying reading your story. I believe it is well done, and holds my attention easily. I just hope you find the time to continue the story. I understand that life has priority, and must come first, but it would be a shame to see this one dropped. If my opinion means anything, please keep up the good work!
lambo105 chapter 10 . 5/20/2016
Awesome! Unless it's Kia Lang, don't have clue who Gemini is!. Poker table mayhem is awesome! Love it all, only thing missing is some Tali/Sheppard down time! Tomorrow, next chapter.
Gensin Alders chapter 38 . 3/10/2016
Glad to have you back.
BlindFox455 chapter 38 . 3/9/2016
I haven't read this chapter yet except for the authors note. I just wanted to say I'm glad you're back.
francisthewitcher chapter 37 . 1/17/2016
Where are you?! It's been three friggin years and you didn't update your amazing story!
Tomon chapter 37 . 11/8/2013
Heh is funny but what I loved most about this chapter is the silly banter at the end :)

Good job
anotamous chapter 37 . 11/7/2013
Read through the story, good premise, the characters are all in character, no glaring mistakes, but there is one problem.
The sues, this 'Father' and his minions are grating and too perfect, they need to either be toned down in their perfect, made less grating, or gotten rid of completely. Will keep watching, but am not hopeful.
BluestheProtoBreakman chapter 37 . 11/7/2013
About time you came back! I was missing this fic. It was a good chapter though I have to restart this to get caught up again.
wanako chapter 36 . 5/14/2013
Whooo! Another great chapter. I really like what you're doing with Jacob. Not many people take the time or energy to develop his character. This story is getting even more interesting by the chapter. I'm looking forward to the confrontation between Shepard and Saren.
AndreyRUS chapter 35 . 4/18/2013

Glad to see you haven't abandoned this story! It is always a pleasure to see notifications about your updates.

That was a great idea to show us a bit of Aria's past, by showing her old house. May be Shepard will find there something interesting, that could show Aria not only as Queen of Omega, but also as a person with feelings and, may be, dreams?
And I spy with my little eye, that Kasumi won't be able to resist the temptation to steal something from such a famous gangster as Great Aria T'Loak)) Perhaps, Aria will have to undress her to check all her pockets later))

I truly love the way you see and describe Aria! Please, give her more show time, she is definitely worth that!

Thank you for this chapter! Looking forward for more!
Tomon chapter 35 . 4/13/2013
Yeah kindergarten :-D But the deadliest kindergarten in the universe :-)

Good job with this chapter, a lot of characters interaction, good comments and setup for the next clash :)
wanako chapter 35 . 4/10/2013
Yes! I was hoping you would update soon. I've been a fan of your fic since you started it. You've got great characterization. They all seem like the crew that we know and love, and some we don't... You are also making Jacob other than boring. That's the mark of a great writer if I've ever seen one. Keep up the good work.

Also, that last section with the vorcha. Comedy GOLD.
PrincessArien chapter 29 . 3/28/2013
Overall, a good story, characters are well constructed and true to their portrayals and personalities in the games (I can't speak for Kasumi though as I don't have her DLC and thus don't know all that much about her personality and character, but it seems fairly true to the games), some of the dialogue is a little off, though considering it's primarily Legion and EDI where you're having a bit of trouble that's perfectly understandable, anyone would have a bit of trouble writing dialogue for machines.

The only real problem with this story is your freaky Asari perversion of nature...definitely an interesting personality (albeit a little annoying) and fairly well constructed character when it comes to characterization and such. The problem is what you have her surviving and consequently doing. I'm sorry but I'm finding it to really break my willing suspension of disbelief, the character is simply just too powerful, what we have here is what would be called a Villain Sue...a god-mode Villain Sue no less. Like the name implies, it's a subset of a Marry Sue, except it's one of the villains. It's one thing to have a strong villain, that's a good thing as it keeps the heroes from just winning every single fight and not having any problems, it's another entirely to have villain pretty much wining every single fight and shrugging off every blow or attack the protagonists inflict on them or they're exposed to. Surviving the impact zone and ground zero of a shot from the M-90 Cain is stretching belief utterly to its max, the thing pretty much one-shots the Human-Reaper, a fleshling, no matter how powerful, should not be surviving shots from a one-hit kill Reaper destroyer...surviving the destruction from Thannix canons is even worse. By all means keep the regeneration or whatever it is this psycho has, my advice to you is to just tone it down a little and put some clear limits on it. Even villains should have clearly defined rules and limits to their powers that make them believable in a fight, otherwise you run into the problem of an unbelievable Villain Sue.
AndreyRUS chapter 34 . 3/11/2013
Wooha, a bit of man's talk with Jacob! That was the right thing to do - when I was playing ME2, I was bored to death by constant complains coming from Jacob. Man needs to grow a pair...or a quad(Grunt would approve)))

Also, seeing what Aria is planning I presume, that we are about to meet some turian female from Talons. A new valuable addition to glamorous Shepard's team, may be? Or will it be Aria? I like her a lot and she suites Shepard more than Tali (Tali's fans, please forgive me!). Seriously, Thane doesn't suite her, because he is like mercury - cold and deadly, but Aria is like napalm - also deadly, but explosive. Shepard is the best choice for her! Or...Grunt?)

Anyway, lots of thanks for your update! Please, keep it up!

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