Reviews for Shocks and static
Guest chapter 23 . 1/26/2017
This is my oc Mia Commons.
Kkoko88 chapter 29 . 8/19/2014
I know you probably posted this chapter forever ago, but I thought I should just say that everything is really solid so far, aside from some grammar and spelling issues. Even with those little mistakes, everything is clear. One suggestion I have is to describe settings a bit more so readers (who may or may not have played/watched pokemon) can understand what each place looks like. I'm really intrigued by this idea, which I've had myself with a drastically different plotline, and all of the characters. I may be completely wrong here, but I'm interested to learn more about the Umbra company, seeing as how the word umbra generally means shadow and darkness. It's a complete guess though, so I might be way off the mark. Anyway, in summary, I think you've got a really nice story. :)
Thomas chapter 48 . 12/31/2013
Really good story, I've been reading the story since the beginning and have seen how much you have improved in detail of the story, how to make it interesting, and chapter lenghth I hope you continue writing story's because they are very entertaining
Good luck
TrainerBubbles1 chapter 48 . 9/8/2013
This was another great chapter. I actually had a feeling Kyra would end up trying to take revenge on the scarred man who turned out too be working for the black fog. I'm curious how this story will continue and I'm happy you like the ocs. I was surprised that the gang was caught...and why am I think of beyblade...well either way I'm glad to say it was a fun chapter. (Well maybe not for the others if Sparkette started playing who's that pokemon). I hope you feel better soon and accidents happen some besides they do a lot of me I run into walls when I'm nervous or I just fall I admit I'm a klutz .(that would probably be my ability -w-;; ) See you next time in my next review or whatever comes.
Orangekirbyyoshi chapter 48 . 9/5/2013
Oh no! They're captured... Again... Also I have a feeling your accident is crazy hilarious... Conquest is a great game.
BloodStarGeneral chapter 48 . 9/5/2013
well i'm glad you love luk as much as i do. it's great to see one of my characters become a the center of a great fanfic (becuae my stories have alot of problems)

it also is pretty ironic that you had a photographer in mind, but the whole ditto picture thing seems like a cop out though. i do think that would be hilarious though. maybe if it wasn't luke it would work.

i find that also the whole "what if" senario if i never discovered this story andmade luke thing. i would have put money on that it would have still been successful. you are an amazing writer and an active imagination. so i think it would have turned out just as well.

but I digress.

this chaptr was amazing though. the whole barbie bike thing cracked me up. if i had that bike in real life i would have put myself up for adoption.

i also love how kyra is flly evolved now. I can't wait to see how you use it.

anyway i have to head out. stories to read, place to go, you getthe idea.

until then. stay cool.
from your good friend Lukas.
A person chapter 48 . 9/4/2013
Wow it's suprising that this story only has now 200 reviews, it's a great story! It's one of the best pokemon stories there is. With great shipping, fans hopeing of shipping and more awesomeness, it's again one of the best stories on fanfiction.
Pichufan chapter 48 . 9/4/2013
Hi, nice chapter :)
It's like in the Anime ... they are going to be seperated a lot ... and i mean, about 4 or 5 times a season (or at least so it seems) :)

It's not a bad thing, though
I hope you are ok and have a nice day!
Orangekirbyyoshi chapter 47 . 7/9/2013
Orange: Hey like I promised the ideas!

Hilda the volcarona: Well our sceptile friend went on 'vacation'...

Orange: You shipped him to Taiwan...

Hilda: Whatever...

Orange: Anyways Ransei is the region in pokémon conquest... Anyways why not add a segment where you talk to the reviewer? There fun to write and read. You name and repeat a review in the chapter and respond in the chapter. It helps with attracting reviewers and laughing your butt off at some comments people made for lulz. Here's two examples... 'In mew's world' (when it was alive) and the story I help write 'Phases of change'. There ironically all TF fics... Would you consider your story a TF... A different kind of TF I would say...
TrainerBubbles1 chapter 47 . 7/2/2013
Heh this was a great gym battle chapter I always find it fun to see the battles when the pokemon can move around freely without a complete battle field so they can get advantages or disadvanges by how they use their surronds. Also for Bubbles fourth move how about giving her charge beam so she could do a triple charge beam attack with Sparkette and Sparky. I can't wait for the next chapter and even if it's another bunch of years before the story is finished i'ma read until the end !
dunstann chapter 47 . 6/30/2013
i like your store, keep up the good work. i like how you tell us at the end who is what, a lot of stories get to be a pain becouse you don't know what is what.
Mamodoking200 chapter 47 . 6/29/2013
Ive had an idea that ive been thinking over for lizs evoloution. During a tarining session (or what ever works) a scientist sees Liz destrasfrorm and promises not to report her to the media if she let's him try something. That "something" involes stimulating the part of the brain that deals with happiness and such( due to pichus funky evolution) how ever for a wile after she acts like she was hit by her own sweet kiss so to speak even in human form. At the end of the chapter she evolves into Pikachu (she may need a bigger disquise however
BloodStarGeneral chapter 47 . 6/29/2013
Finally chapter 47 has arrived. So much to say. I guess I will start off with that I can't believe its been that long. I mean I remember way back in the year 2011 (ooo) I started watching this. This was the first story I ever read on this site, and I'm glad for it. This story has helped cheer me up on multiple occasions, and my Oct Luke who has a huge role in this series might never have been created. Also without shocks and static I might have never dived into writing I barely get far in any of my stories. I still give it a shot. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. Thank you sisno. I love this story and always will.

Stay cool
From your good friend Lukas
raze200 chapter 46 . 6/6/2013
How about " battle for the fourth badge! Enter forest queen Erika!"
Guest chapter 33 . 5/31/2013
I will never doubt Liz as a human again
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