Reviews for Magnetism
Dumak chapter 7 . 12/21/2014
Fenders is so addictive :D nice work!
Lolana chapter 7 . 9/2/2012
This was the best Fenders I ever read, wonderfully written and easy to read (English isn't my native language). Amazing story!
COWSARECOOL chapter 7 . 7/10/2012
*passes out from sexy fenders overload* is it possible this fic only has 17 reviews? O.O it should have like a million!
BlackStormShadow chapter 7 . 1/13/2012
Aw ... Is this the end?

Or is there more?

Fenris has to love Anders back right? Right?

Anders is definitely crazy, cat people always are. :)

He is like a cat too ... clawing at the sheets.

I like how Fenris took the nightmares away ... and he was left with the "'dashing' elf who he was now completely sure had captured his heart"
TheAlmightyGoblin chapter 7 . 1/13/2012
Bravo! That was an awesome finish :)
gatorsnacks chapter 6 . 1/8/2012
Ooh it ended saucy ;p
TheAlmightyGoblin chapter 6 . 1/8/2012
I am pretty sure it is "amidst" out of the three words given. It just sounds correct...but I don't know for a fact lol

And while I'm writing, I have really enjoyed this fic and several other fenders fics that you have written. Your spelling and grammar is good(a pet-peeve of mine), your a good writer in general, your balance between love, lust, and hate is great for fenders, and you are possibly my favorite smut writer!

So keep on writing! Especially explicit fenders! :P
Briannel chapter 5 . 1/6/2012
I love the developing relationship between the two. Very sweet and very hot!
BlackStormShadow chapter 5 . 1/6/2012
It's so sweet and delicate and beautiful ... please continue writing ... Pwease? *pouting bottom lip quivering and the biggest puppy-dog eyes I can muster*
Adrienne Valentine chapter 5 . 1/5/2012
Fenders! Yay! I love this. Absolutely love it! :)
FendersForever chapter 4 . 12/26/2011
This is just plain gorgeous!

Anders/Fenris is officially my new favorite pairing.

Pwease Sequelize :)
Briannel chapter 3 . 11/29/2011
Oh, wow, that was hot, and so sexy! Anders is lovable here! "Let this not be a dream" indeed! :)
Integra Hawke chapter 3 . 11/27/2011
Chapter 3

Small cracks seemed to form in the sky of my dream, but the warmth, song and flavor did not eave me. I think you meant to make this word leave, not eave.

" What are you...up to, Mage? He asked,… You forgot the (“) after Mage?

It twitched as I tickles his skin. Use tickled instead of tickles.

Again, I cannot wait to read more!
Integra Hawke chapter 2 . 11/27/2011
Chapter 2

All of us drank late into the night, celebrating Hawke's good fortune in the negotiations with the merchant's guild. Things were goint reasonably well for everyone, under his leadership and Varrick's guidance. ~Going instead of goint and again Varric without the K.

Nobody needed to talk about the politics and religious issues out here for now. It was more of a time to relax, kill a couple stray mercanaries that were unlucky to be in our path, and make profit brokering deals. A calm before a storm. ~Mercenaries instead of mercanaries.

Isabela is spelled with one L in DA2, not the usual Isabella that we are all used to.

Merrill is with two L’s and not one.

Isabella had once offered, but I had passed out drunk that night. ~ I loved this line!

Fenris. Now, he thought he was a mystery, but his anger and aggression showed through~ although would work better. You wrote thought, like I thought it was a good idea at the time…

Hawke and Isabela are really great together!

Shaven dwarf…..need I say more? LMAO!

Another ufortunate occurance was that I was stuck in the tent with Fenris. ~Unfortunate, not ufortunate and occurrence, not occurance.

That left the most ill tempered member with me. Forgot the – in ill-tempered.
Integra Hawke chapter 1 . 11/27/2011

I thought that I gave you a quick review on my phone for the first chapter but I had this on alert and finally checked my emails and noticed you added two more so I went back through it. I write things that catch my attention to point out and I hope it helps. I had to copy and paste this onto the review to make things easier to post.

Hawke was off with Varrick meeting with correspondents of the Merchant's Guild today.

Varric is spelled without the K. You have this several times throughout your story.

This first happened when speaking to Fenris but you do this throughout the story:

" You do realize that you can't sneak up on me right?

You add a space between the “ and You… I don’t know what you use to type your stories on but they all lit up on my Microsoft Word. Use “You do realize…” instead.

Fenris- The sneaking shall be no matter anymore," This line is a little confusing.

Anders: " Even if I was, what make you think you could stop it?" Add an S, makes.

Separate the conversation here: One for Fenris, the other for Anders.

" Damn mage!" he yelled, running back to knock me against the stone behind the water fall. His wet, white hair clung to his skin, tattoos glowing ferociously. I hadn't seen them that bright in a while. He dug his gauntlets into my chest, keeping me pinned to the cold, wet rock. " Guess I found a sore spot," I gasped out, chuckling but breathing hard against the pain of the piercing metal. He reached back and his fist collided with my jaw. I grunted in pain, feeling warm blood flowing from my lip. I pulled in a breath through my teeth. Then I decided to try one last thing. I reached out my hand to his arm, touching a lyrium vein under my thumb, gathering energy inside. I saw him retracting for another blow, and I let loose a surge of spirit energy into it.

While I could never write anything involving these two, or yaoi plainly, I really love the direction this is going and was so happy to see the next two chapters posted.
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