Reviews for Black Smoke and Revelations
Bee chapter 18 . 6/12
This was fantastic and a brilliant crossover with supernatural and gilmore girls, my two favorites! Brilliant story thanks so much for sharing
DanseChick chapter 18 . 6/21/2018
This story was great!
Elise chapter 8 . 10/5/2014
I like this so I'm reviewing in the middle :) This was funny, I must say I can imagine the Winchesters being freaked out and acting all crazy on poor Dean F. I feel sorry for you that there are two Dean's, it must be a pain to differentiate them all the time...
Otherwise, good plot, nice time choices, I'm curious for what's next!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
It's just like the virgin girl said, " He's a complete powerful black, he knows he's clear, and he fights the dark Demon's unseen trap."
spnMom chapter 18 . 3/3/2013
This story was so good that I read it straight through in one sitting. Sorry that I didn't take the time to review as I read. I will mark it as a favorite and it will come around again and I will try to take the time to review some chapters my next time through. I am just very excited that you have a sequel that I can read tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!
Hailey C. Black chapter 18 . 12/21/2011
So Awesome:) Everything was perfect and I loved it. Off to read Bridge now:) Absolutely loved the ending here as well. Dunno if I liked Lorelai naming her daughter after her mother. Thought she hated her. But it was great regardless:) I'm gonna guess that the Winchester boys show up at the birthday celebration for the sets of twins? Just a guess:)
Hailey C. Black chapter 9 . 12/21/2011
Dude, I had this totally weird moment at the end of this chapter where the scene continued on in my head. It went something like:

Both Sam and the younger Dean put a hand to Dean's chest and pushed him a step back from Rory and exclaimed at the same time, "Calm down, she's taken." with obvious humor.

Sam turned to his 'twin' Dean with round eyes that matched his counterparts and an identical smile. They laughed.

It ended abruptly when both let loose a shocked, "Woah!" Then a shocked, "Dude, stop. That's creepy." in stereo.

Sam shook his head, mirroring Dean's action before they both spoke in sync again- "What's wrong with you! I said stop that!" They turned together to look at Sam's brother Dean who was laughing hysterically, doubled over and clutching his stomach.

Sam punched his brother's shoulder and pleaded, "Help, you jerk!" which sounded unusual in the moment without the surround sound effect of the last few minutes. Sam let out a relieved sigh... which was mirrored again by Dean.

"GOD DAMNIT!" they shouted together before they each grabbed a hold of the other's shoulders and shouted together, "Just shut your mouth!" then, "Stop!", "You first!", followed by an "Oh God, why is this happening?"

As everyone stood around the room staring at the two boys who seemed to be stuck mirroring each other, Dean Winchester was nearly chocking on his now silent laughter while tears rolled down his cheeks.

The boys both turned to their right, ignoring the older Dean rolling around on the floor in glee, and shouted in panic, "Dad!" Their respective fathers just shrugged in shock and helplessness.

Dean turned back to see his look of panic and anger looking back at him from Sam's face. He reached out and put his hand over Sam's mouth, as his was covered by Sam's hand. The following cursing was muffled, but to the room at large, still obviousy in sync.

Noticing his eldest son's humor had turned to distress as he couldn't catch his breath through his now cramping diaphragm, John stepped forward and smacked his younger son upside his head while Rory stepped forward out of her stupor and replaced Sam's hand over her boyfriend's mouth with her lips in a desperate kiss.

Sam shook his head and frowned down at his brother silently. Dean was laying on his back with his feet planted, trying to regain normal lung function. He kicked Dean's leg and sighed, "Thanks for all your help, big brother."

He turned to his Dad and reluctanly nodded in thanks; his head smarted where his dad had cuffed him.

Lorelai tapped her daughter's shoulder and when Rory pulled away from her Dean, leaving him with a glazed look accompanied by a goofy smile, she blushed. "Well, looks like you've discovered his reset button, Hun."

Everyone laughed as their shock, horror, and then relief faded once again into humor.
milkshake42 chapter 18 . 11/2/2011
Wow, that was good! Interesting in some bits...but the epilogue was a great idea to just round everything up! Can't wait to read 'Bridge' now!
80sUnLoveChild chapter 10 . 9/17/2011
I just read this in one go and I am amazed! I am adoring this mainly because I love Jared Padalecki and Narco is my GG'verse ship! Keep up the great work :)