Reviews for Iridescence
Ryan chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
You, sir or madam, have succeeded in bringing me to tears. That was absolutely beautiful. I don't know how you did it, but you managed to perfectly capture the spirit of Brian Jacques's writing. Well done, absolutely marvelous work. I salute you.
SeeSea22 chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
this is amazing
James7912b chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
I've never read this series but I have heard of it and am familiar with the basic idea but I am no expert on the books. That said...this was a well-written story that tackles a tough subject. I respect your disclaimer at the beginning and totally agree with your views. The point isn't to make any sort of statement; rather I feel your point was to tell a moving story that shows that people are basically good at heart and are at their best when the situation is at its worst. If that was your aim then you have succeeded. Job well done.
antillies chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
This was beautifully done. I love the 'Castaways' books, and while reading your story, Ben and Ned felt completely in character. You really captured the tragedy of what happened on 9/11, but also the hope of people coming together to work through what happened.
DoWeKnowWhenWeFly chapter 1 . 9/27/2011
I think this was beautifully written, and their view on how people come together in situations like these is very truthful. Thanks.
RedFalconWriter chapter 1 . 9/12/2011
This was great. I was just thinking, maybe you could continue into the future with Ben and Ned and at some point put them in a Star Trek episode or something.
ReillyScarecrowRocks chapter 1 . 9/12/2011
"How could heaven above let something like this happen?" i loved the bit of dialogue they had after that, especially knowing their own circumstances

'It's not our job to change the world Ben, just to make it better' it's a beautiful way of putting it, because it's so simply written and so basic a truth

i enjoyed seeing things from their point of view

thank you so much for writing this