Reviews for Step by Step
I Am Not a Human Being chapter 2 . 6/21/2013
Will you continue?
CheddarTrek chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
Ah, this is neat. Alfred is trying to balance being a parental figure himself with the wishes of the deceased parents and his role as a butler, nice.
DjDangerLove chapter 2 . 7/26/2012
I really enjoyed reading these two chapters. I hope you continue with this story!
History101 chapter 2 . 3/28/2012
Awww this is really cool i hope you update soon!
IcyWaters chapter 2 . 2/19/2012
My humblest apologies for not reviewing sooner, but life got hectic as it tends to do and fan fiction wasn’t a top priority. This is an excellent follow-up to the events in the first chapter.

It’s still incredibly painful to read about the changes in Bruce – how he used to be such an open and loving child, but is now angry and brooding. Even more excruciating is knowing that he will never be like his former self, no matter what Alfred does to help.

I’ve already warmed up to your original character, Mr. Brooke. The way he held his ground with Bruce during the initial meeting, drawing the child’s curiosity instead of tackling him head on from the get-go, was a fascinating technique. Most impressive is how he earned Bruce’s respect, perhaps grudgingly so, but the key is that he earned it – he didn’t ask for it, demand it or require it.

Mr. Brooke is certainly a worthy teacher for young Bruce.

My absolute favorite line in the chapter: Mr. Brooke regarded him carefully and replied, "You really need to work on your stealth." Simply perfect!

I can’t wait to read more about the interactions of teacher and pupil.
ForeverRainingFire chapter 2 . 1/8/2012
Great second chapter! I really like the way you portrayed the new tutor and the way that Bruce reacted to him seemed very natural. I really enjoy your writing and am eagerly awaiting your next update!
Bayfire chapter 2 . 1/8/2012
I really like how you've made Bruce so dark and determined. I can't wait for more.
dragonwitch250 chapter 2 . 1/8/2012
I like this chapter. I think Mr. Brooke would be a great teacher. I can't wait for more!
dragonwitch250 chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
This is cute. I can't wait to read more!
IcyWaters chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
I have been eagerly anticipating to this story since you first mentioned it to me. Now that I have read the first chapter, I can state with vigor that it has exceeded all of my expectations. :-)

Your characterizations are top-notch. I simply adore Alfred and the way you write him. I see his every gesture and hear his every word. The concern he holds for his young charge is incredibly touching without ever crossing into the over-sentimental territory. It’s keeping very in tune to the tone of the movies. Bravo!

You also do a magnificent job of capturing a terrified nine-year-old boy. Bruce’s behavior and change of personality feel very true to what a child in his position would likely experience. He comes from a very loving family and a secure life – and that was all violently shattered. I can’t even begin to imagine what that would do to a child.

In addition to the excellent characterizations, it’s the smaller details that really stand out to me. Alfred’s anxiety that he is dishonoring the Waynes’ wishes by taking Bruce out of school and hiring a tutor is a prime example. Obviously, Thomas and Martha could never envision their own violent deaths – I believe they would be very proud of Alfred and how he is handling this difficult situation. :-)

I also admire the glimpses of the adult Bruce you are showing us. Things like the other boys at school looking at him with fear in their eyes, the other children taunting him about turning into a freak and the harsh stares he gives Alfred… Superb!

This is an awesome beginning and I’m eagerly awaiting the next update. :-)
ForeverRainingFire chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
This is a great start. I really like the way you wrote this! It's got a very clean style, but packs a huge emotional punch. I love the way you wrote Alfred too, I think he's always been one of my favorite characters, but very few people can write him well. I'm looking forward to your next update!