Reviews for Mass x Acceleration
Amaoutofturtle chapter 33 . 1/22
Ive been a fan of this series since like 2011 when i first was really getting into One Piece as a wee junior in high school, and every so often i come back to reread both A Force Againt Inertia and Mass x Acceleration

I know its been a really long time, but i never had the confidence to leave a review on either fic, and since I do still dabble in fandom, lately I've been wanting to make an effort to be better about, well, leaving reviews! Inertia especially has always been close to my heart because it introduced me to a lot of genres/ideas in fiction that i sort of continued to explore, and became one of the foundations for my general likes and dislikes when it comes to fanfiction themes. Seeing Nami and Sanji go through all the things that they did and then getting the opportunity to see them recover now is one of the things that has me returning to this fic regularly.

I hope life has been treating you well! I remember something about may 2018 being when you would be officially out of remission so i hope that's managed to stay true!

Anyway, i actually forgot the password to my original account and have lost access to the email associated with it so i have to leave this review "anonymously" and dont expect a response - i just hope to express the gratitude and fondness i feel everytime i reread the fics in this series and wanted to make up for like a decade of never reviewing!
Pintpatrich chapter 33 . 6/16/2017
God,this was a trip. I absolutely LOVE this story ;-;
Just-Thank you for existing ;u;

im probably one of the most recent commenters...(2017 and all) and noticed that it has been about a year since you last updated and that concerns me :(
hopefully you can update sooner or later..

Have a wonderful day!
eiiychan chapter 33 . 10/11/2016
well... wtf. that was some clever naming. did you plan it all along. Wendy and Sundae huh. thats some good plot. good plot i tell you. Looking forward for some uupdates hopefully Strawhat will be getting to them. want to see what their reactions would be like.
j-swan chapter 33 . 7/25/2016
Oh. My. God! I swear I think my heart stopped for a bit when I saw there was a new chapter. Where One Piece fics are concerned, this fic is probably one of the ones I think about most. I'm not even kidding. I have pictured the reunion between all the Strawhats so often in so many (so many) different ways. I also picture Zeff and Nojiko showing up to see them because they kind of need to see Sanji and Nami again (I know it won't happen but still). Also, Sanji and Nami training with their powers (and maybe even eventually being able to use both at the same time, if they can't already but I kind of doubt they can, and I kind of doubt they've tried) and they continue working on Sanji's style of fighting (because they both need it at this point, Sanji more then Nami). I think about this fic a lot lol.

I'm so excited for everything coming up! If you're changing the dates in Sought, just don't forget that you currently have Nami and Sanji in October and Yasopp found the crew in November. So, just make sure all the timelines match up! Keep up the awesomeness, I love it! (Zoro's daughters are named after Vivi and Robin, that is too cute.)
camaridge chapter 33 . 7/24/2016
Glad to see that you're back! Sorry to hear that you've been having a rough time, but hope things are starting to look up for you! And would love to see where you want to take this story (and a straw hat crew reunion dammit!) :)
emrwriter chapter 33 . 7/20/2016
I'm so glad you're back! Perfect timing too as I had just reread this whole series for nostalgia. Great chapter as always. I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this :) congrats on being in remission!
OrangeWithAfro chapter 33 . 7/20/2016
It's great to get some more information about Braeburn. LOL I loved Ria's reaction when she found out she was having another baby, anyway it's great to hear that you're doing better :)
SetsunaHotarubi chapter 33 . 7/20/2016
I'm glad your health is holding up well. I'll send you some of my healing vibes so you can stay healthy! :p I've been waiting forEVER for your update! You didn't disappoint! I can't wait for the next in the series; I'm addicted. your writing style always keeps me rapt until I'm jarred back to reality at the end of the chapter. It's awesome! Shine on, you crazy diamond, your fans will always be here! 3
Leaviel chapter 33 . 7/19/2016
Yay, an update! I'd all bit forgotten about this, but I'm super glad you decided to continue it!
j-swan chapter 32 . 5/22/2016
I needed more of this story last week. As in, I NEED MORE! I just binge-read this whole this whole thing (and I'm including all the stories that came before this one, Vanished and so on), so I am very invested in this story.

I totally called it about Zoro being the father, btw. Back when you said the father was a bounty hunter, I was immediately like 'I bet it's Zoro.' (Although I admit to have been somewhat joking when I said that).

Please PLEASE come back to this story soon!
Warrwick chapter 32 . 4/23/2016
Please update. This is one of the best fanfics that I have ever read.
OrangeWithAfro chapter 32 . 2/24/2015
I love this fanfiction, can you please update it?
MalkyTop chapter 32 . 2/16/2015
I have to say, I only found this series relatively recently, and you've managed to draw me in quick! I find it surprising, because I am a reader who prefers in-depth descriptions and overly-long introspection with a lot of descriptions of the surroundings and the feeling of shaky hands and stomachs and blah blah blah blah blah; on the other hand, you make things short and clipped and to the point - I don't mean this as a bad thing, but just as an observation that you write in a style that I usually avoid. And yet, you put so much intrigue in the story that I can't help but be interested: what the experiments were for, how Sanji and Nami are going to adapt, how they can utilize their new powers in the future potentially, etc.

I especially like how you have their recovery period with them surrounded by people. I feel like 'recovery' in fanfiction tends to narrow down into 'the sick person and the one they're paired up with in this story are together a lot and everybody else just mills around' but you have a whole town with quite a few people and those people have backgrounds and agency, which makes the town itself actually feel alive - not an easy thing to do, I think. So good job on that!

I think one thing you might need to work on, (although I realize that this is a rather old fic and I should know better than anybody how much one year can change someone's writing style) is that you can be redundant sometimes in your prose. For example, in this last chapter, in the flashback when Braeburn is trying to protest the party, you write: "He gripped his left ring finger - he no longer wore his wedding ring but still hadn't moved on from Phoebe's death, not to mention he still had to find his daughter." Everything after the first clause is, in my opinion, extraneous. You don't necessarily need to tell that to the reader, you could just have written, "He gripped his left ring finger even when he knew nothing was there." That would have said everything that was needed, really. You can probably trust the reader to know enough about Braeburn's motivation and character to figure out what he's thinking. That way, when Robin points out that detail later, she isn't just spelling out what the reader already knows, she makes a deduction not yet revealed in the prose itself.

Similarly, "He put on an angry face, got to his feet and loomed over his partner." As a reader, I shouldn't need to be told that someone is angry. You could, for example, say, "He jumped to his feet, abusing the floor with the THUD of his weight, and loomed over his partner." From that, and from the context, I could reasonably figure out that Braeburn is angry. That way, you don't need to say 'he's angry' and you also spruce the prose up a bit more.

But honestly, your story dragged me in just fine as it is. My criticisms are all just technical stuff, something you could always just take with a grain of salt. Whatever you're doing in life now, I really hope that I could see the rest of this story in the future.
EvilGu chapter 31 . 1/29/2015
I didn't even notice, as I reread this ENTIRE fic again, that it is now exactly one year since you updated. I know you said this might not be updated again for a long time, but I wonder if we could get some closure? I feel like everything was culminating to that moment when they met the crew again, and I get the feeling we were soooo close! Please consider working on this story again!
guest chapter 32 . 1/28/2015
I was re-reading this and realized that its been a year today since its last been updated. I just hope that you are feeling well and that every thing is ok with you. I hope that one day if you are up to it, you come back to this, the world need more SaNa.
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