Reviews for Blackout
deactivated82940 chapter 4 . 9/12/2012
Oh I so adore this story. I just really like the dynamic that Jou and Ryou have here right from the get go.
pandalilsis821 chapter 4 . 7/13/2012
amazing! keep going!
astrovagant chapter 4 . 7/13/2012

*dances with glee*

Great chapter. I LOVED IT ALL.

Update soon? Please? PLEASE?

-The Raven
astrovagant chapter 3 . 3/15/2012
Hahaha! I loved the ending!

I need an update already... xD

~ C a d y
astrovagant chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
This story is pulling me in! Amazing work! :D

~ C a d y
astrovagant chapter 2 . 3/14/2012

And I'm usually a canon nut, too... owo

~ C a d y
Glitter and Kisses chapter 3 . 3/11/2012
Randomly found this one and I'm so glad I read it! It's fantastic and I love it! I love the genderbend and setting very much! I get a minimalist feel from the writingstyle; so much said in so few words. It flows so nicely and it's very intriguing. I hope to see more soon!
PiWrite chapter 3 . 3/5/2012
not really into these types of stories but this is really good so far :)
Daoi Sidhe chapter 3 . 1/8/2012
Batteryshipping and genderbending.

Favorite pairing and it rare to get the second done were it doesn't mess up their personailies. You did wonderful 3.

Can't wait for the next update.
Jonouchi Katsuya chapter 2 . 9/24/2011
I need MORE Milly! D: Seriously! I really want to know what is going to go on next. I mean, I know who Ryou is staying with but Ahhhhh. Oh I just love your Ryou and your Kaiba. So cute! ;P I kinda want to touch your Ryou all over for being the world's cutest girl. :D
Jonouchi Katsuya chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
I love your writing, Milly. I have a feeling for this already. I will move on to chapter two when I am less tired.

~love you!
Alecto Perdita chapter 2 . 9/11/2011
Two thumbs up for a full-cast genderbending fic! I cannot express how happy that fact alone makes me. But it's intriguing and I can't wait to find out more, especially meeting the rest of the gang.

Sorry for the incoherency of this review.
deactivated82940 chapter 2 . 9/11/2011
"Short answers made the safest lies." Hahaha. Yes. Milly, I love you so much. You never fail to disappoint.

"and unwillingly to bypass them." Typo, perhaps? 'unwilling' Er, if I find anymore typos, should I just pass them along to you in a PM?

"Ryou had learned over time that keeping her tone and face expression neutral rebuked even the most curious people." Ah, now that's interesting. I just...that's just a really interesting concept. How to get people to stop asking questions and caring; that subtle and quiet way of building a wall around oneself without arousing suspicion. Obviously pitted against the 'Jounouchi' of the fic, this is going to be broken down, but for now, it's very much intact.

"Ryou Bakura wasn't afraid of the dark. She had worse things to be afraid of." :ccccc Just :ccccc Because we know exactly what she's afraid of. And, haha, this is totally my fault isn't it? With my whole 'You need the Ring in there! 8D' I'm sorry, Ryou. But you're much more fun being tortured. As a girl :D


Oh hai Kaiba. You're a girl now too. Awesome.

"Ryou didn't like to have her own stuff handled, and she was ready to bet that the girl - Josephine - felt the same way, no matter how untidy she kept her room." There's our Jou. And man. Milly, you horrible person, I want more of this AU. Nao. /is insatiable/

On a more coherent note, I really like the air to this fic. You're good at that, really setting an atmosphere and reeling us into the setting. I envy your mad skillz.
Azhdarcho chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
I liked your description of Domino City. Is it set a little bit farther back in time, like industrial times?