Reviews for The Scent of Despair
Inu-Kag chapter 29 . 5/9/2017
I really like reading your story continue writing more

You write them all read them
Guest chapter 29 . 8/20/2016
This feudal fanfiction was one of the best I have ever read. I especially liked the concept of Inuyasha's sleeping for 400 years in hopes of seeing Kagome, only to die soon after that. That concept was intense and bittersweet, yet enjoyable to see how it further demonstrated how much Kagome and Inuyasha were meant to be. I also liked the concept of the Higurashis being descendants of Sango and Miroku. IN a whole, I really loved the story. Nice job!
Ana K chapter 24 . 10/28/2008
wat r u tlking about? that was a GREAT chapter. i almost cried...AGAIN...Jeez... this has to be one of the most depressing things ive ever read in my entire life...
Inudaughter chapter 29 . 7/8/2007
wow. good story.
Ro0tin4Kagome chapter 18 . 5/30/2007
Dont worry... i wanna worry... im a hentai..ohz well / it still a good story

Ro0tin4Kagome chapter 8 . 5/30/2007

I cant stop sayin WOW! NAd laughin.. my room mates are lookin at me weird lol

then again thats me lol

WOW Kagome is stupid..snapp i would have takin advantage of the position!

lol Geeze they read it and now they wont stop laughin!



RofS chapter 11 . 5/22/2007
Oh, I totally agree... That kendama is impossible. My dad tried for about a month before he explained that it was rigged... I don't believe him.
Sarah Zitter chapter 29 . 2/23/2007
I like the end of the story. I would like for Kagome and Inuyasha to have kids in the next story please. That is if you are going to write a squael of this story which I would like for Kagome and Inuyasha to have kids please.
Kimmiko chapter 23 . 11/5/2006
I think this is the best story ever I look forward for you to make another
xXKillorbeKilledXx chapter 29 . 11/1/2006
Great story, I even cried and laughted and was happy keep up with the good work
Inume-blue chapter 29 . 8/23/2006
oh so sweet i love happy endings. *tears of joy*

Inume-blue chapter 28 . 8/23/2006
aaw cute! thank you!

Inume-blue chapter 27 . 8/23/2006
ww-what y-you killed him...YOU KILLED HIM! how could you do that? now im depressed ..wah!


Inume-blue chapter 26 . 8/23/2006
aw so cute!

Inume-blue chapter 21 . 8/22/2006
oh that's so sad, now im sad ...*tear*

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