Reviews for A Red Winter
littl30wl chapter 28 . 2/20
Oh, I loved this!
shannibannani chapter 28 . 2/4/2019
Hey there, I know this was posted years ago... But I just found your story and I loved it! Your telling of this was so beautifully done, when I got to the end my heart felt so happy. Thank you so much for sharing this!
Guest chapter 28 . 9/1/2017
I really liked this fic and thought that your grasp of the English language with grammar and literacy was fantastic other than a few missed apostrophes and spelling errors (very minor) this was fabulous. In terms of arrangement of your story it was great however the chapter with Sansa being like I don't want to freeze to death I think should have come earlier if they were travelling for that long. I also think that you are relying too much for the green dreams to try and push everything forwards that it was more climatic when she was better. The ending was a little anticlimactic and also has a feeling of being rushed which would have been better placed somewhere else (even if you did have to cut the whole getting better scenes) like I said this was a fabulous fic with only a few minor errors :) JustThatKindOfSpecial xx
casinojack812 chapter 3 . 8/4/2015
I marathoned through this whole story and I'm so sad it's over. Truly, you have written something so original and engaging. I love how things that have been glossed over in other stories have been expanded here because it really brought to life the treacherousness of traveling in winter. Like the descent from the Eyrie, for instance. Just getting down was a story arc of its own and it was so intriguing and thrilling. I really enjoy fics where it's Sansa and Sandor against the world, rather than them being separated by the brotherhood or something, and this story did that in spades. So much danger that they faced and yet you told it so organically and genuinely. Their relationship developed at absolutely the right pace and everything just worked! Definitely a favorite.
yahacu chapter 28 . 3/9/2015
Omg so good!
ZabuzasGirl chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
Update immediately, please!
Teanni chapter 28 . 5/11/2014
I've been reading this story almost in one go and it was fabulous. What I like especially about the story that it portrayed Sansa as a character who was also somewhat self-sufficient and not just a damsel in distress. Also the idea with the visions was very interesting... Thank you again for many enjoyable hours spent reading this story!
TeresaTrav chapter 28 . 1/13/2014
Thank you for such a good story.. I have enjoyed it so much.
TeresaTrav chapter 19 . 1/12/2014
Stinking blizzard
TeresaTrav chapter 17 . 1/12/2014
This story has me by my eyeballs. ;) I love how the characters are developing. Sansa's inner strength and Sandor having to face his "hound" persona..
lindsaydrumm chapter 5 . 6/29/2013
Loving this story. Hope you still read your reviews :-)
Samantha chapter 28 . 6/26/2013
Fantastic! Thank you, you blessed soul, for writing this gem. :)
Phantom white lady of 221b chapter 28 . 6/7/2013
Your story was very lovely. Go you! :D
narutonarutolove chapter 28 . 5/2/2013
i loved it! -grins happily- i hope theres a sequel...
Moran442 chapter 28 . 3/27/2013
An inventive and fantastic story, thanks!
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