Reviews for Bandages
seattlegracemercywestlove chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
I know this is a super old fic (i'm rewatching the show) But this has to be my favorite psych fic! Great work! The mannerisms, dialogue, and plot were all very in character! LOVE LOVE LOVE
Kaylin chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
You should add on to it with more chapters. I love it!
Delta Omega chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
I must have read this a dozen times, but never put the effort into reviewing.

This is by far the best Shawn/Juliet fic that I have read on this site. (Rivaled only by your other one-shots.) Seriously, brilliant stuff. Great job.
Anna-banana chapter 1 . 10/17/2011
Nice story. Very sweet plot. Don't worry about the ending; c

Sometimes cliche is good. Depending on the cliche. Like Got Milk? That seriously bugs the heck out of me, how much they use that.

But one thing I specifically noticed.

Be sure to spice up the sentences. You tend to use "he did this. He did that. He smiled. 'this this this' he said."

Just remember, don't start multiple sentences with the same word. Sometimes put their name in. Or the action first. Or the reaction. For example "he did this. This happened while he did that. That thing affected him so much he hissed, 'this this thjs'" so on and so forth, I'm not here to lecture you and babble on about things I can easily summarize into "don't repeat sentence beginnings, or ends"

Also, I'm not sure if I caught this here or if I'm just so used to seeing it elsewhere, but this one gets on my nerves when I see people do it.

When doing dialogue, make it into a separate paragraph. Instead of "he did this this stuff happened more things 'bla bla bla' he said. They did this 'bla bla' she smiled. 'bla bla' he smiled at her witty comment"

Make it neat (and I'm saying this to the general audience. Not specifically you). You know like, organize it. Like this, "stuf happened. He did this and looked at her

'bla bla bla' HE said, 'bla bla'

She smiled, 'bla bla.' he smiled at her witty comment and they continued their lives."

Just a few pointers. But just cause I'm focusing on the things you could improve on, doesn't mean the story isn't good. The story is very good. I like the plot. I like the portrayal of characters. I like it all. Keep it up. Keeeep it up.

Thanks for the post.

God bless
The Red Fedora chapter 1 . 9/1/2011
Great story:) you have Shawn down perfectly. Can't wait for new season!
beweird7 chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
I liked this a lot and the I completely understand your withdrawal! :)
whoahomo chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
My new best friend, Mr. Review Button, and I would like to inform you that we very much enjoyed this story, and it was only a little anticlimactic and cliche at the end, but still really sweet, so it's okay. Also, if you're going to die of an OD, I think I'm going to go into a diabetic coma... or something... So you're not alone.

Anyways... for now, keep the peace, feed an ostrich, write a story... the usual.

Peace out.
splashes-of-silver chapter 1 . 8/27/2011
Ah this was very nice :) Good description, and very sweet.

As a side note, your ANs made me laugh- I cannot WAIT until October!