Reviews for Winchesters Six
ocfairygodmother chapter 8 . 5/23/2017
OMG! That opening scene was so creepy (in a good way) but I could literally picture it happening in my head. Gosh, I love the twins! :) Their relationship is strong and that's a wonderful thing to see!

Oh, Jess. I love her!

But Chris! What the hell Franklin! And now for the cliffie! haha.

So, I am now "current" or at least to the point where this story ends. Just had a few things I wanted to say (all good things, all good things) First, I am super proud of you for taking so many "risks" with this story. And by risks I mean, not being afraid to mess with and change canon. That is so awesome! When you get the rewrite up, I know you'll make it even more amazing (not that it needs it, but I just know you will) Second, nice job on juggling so many original characters. That is something I'm terrible at doing and you make it look easy! So congratulations on being able to have/manage so many characters and still have it all make sense. Third, all the personalities. I love each of the Winchester sibs and how you portray them. Lovely job, friend! Fourth, your storylines. I know I kinda already touched on it, but your storylines fit seamlessly into what is "canon" in my head. I see no difference between them. That is the sign of an awesome writer! :) Fifth, (since I kinda already know who your OCs are) but mostly because of the writing, I can picture everything happening in my head. It's like everything plays on the screen in my mind and I can see all your face claims interacting. It's actually quite fun to "watch." ;)

I hope these reviews find you well! :) Don't give up hope! You got this! Love ya! :)
ocfairygodmother chapter 7 . 5/23/2017
Damn...I forgot how "commanding" Cas is at first. But I loved the line "I'm not heaven's bitch." That was genius! :)

I love how Jess is still around!

But Mer is such a big sister! So protective! She's like Dean, but in a different way. Does that make sense? haha.

What? What do you mean they're gone? AHHHH! I must know more! I must read more! :)
ocfairygodmother chapter 6 . 5/23/2017
She's back...I have a feeling I think I might know how! haha. But then she tells Sam to run! She knows!

The reunions! The reunions had so many feels! I was certainly feeling them! haha. It was great to get to see them. :)

And then Castiel...dun dun dunnnnnn! haha.

Nice job, friend! :)
ocfairygodmother chapter 5 . 5/23/2017
Ok, first lemme just say "a;sjfjierhgjihnkerfhjoifnerikohnfcdekw asoidjfaskdjf oasijfo iksajdfokas j osdijfoi asdj sadoijsdfoij iosdnofsdnjifs dasdfk" (Ok, now that is out of my system.) HOLY COW! That chatper was! WOW! Azazel...and with Sammy...John! I loved it all! Wonderful pacing, friend! And great set-up! and then...and then...Meredith! It came true! NO! (no in the fangirl sense. In the author sense, I totally get it and trust where you're going! :)

I really enjoyed getting to see all the siblings grieving! It was written wonderfully.

But that cliffhanger though...haha.

Excellent work, friend! :)
ocfairygodmother chapter 4 . 5/23/2017
Oh, family drama. Gotta love it, right? haha. I actually really liked how you had the siblings jump in on that, each staying very true to their character while still moving things along. Nice!

Dean being "protective" (or a stubborn ass, if you wanna call it that too) over the Chris/Piper situation amused me. :) haha. SO Dean! You nailed that! :)

Sam? Sam?


*clears throat and is calmed down.* haha. Again, you did a lovely job with this! :) And now that I look at the title, it totally makes everything make sense. haha.
ocfairygodmother chapter 3 . 5/23/2017
First scene: I really loved how all the siblings interacted. You can start to get a feel for each of their personalities based on how they react to the situation with Piper not picking up. (A lot can be figured out without being said, reading between the lines, (inferencing as us teachers call it. haha) But yeah, I liked it. Just enough exposition with dialogue!)

And then finding Mer (after we get a hold of Piper, of course!) Let me back-track for as second. I loved Dean's reaction. Totally Dean! haha. But yeah, I love how you pulled her from the situation and set her up there. You have given yourself a lot to work with there! I'm actually excited to see how this plays on further.

But of course, she doesn't want to go along. Which for the other siblings is like a slap in the face, but knowing Mer, there's got to be a good reason...or in the very least "a" reason.

Nice job with this chapter too! Love ya!
ocfairygodmother chapter 2 . 5/23/2017
First, the opening of Mer & Dean "arguing" and Mer telling Dean what to do! OMG! I could so see that happening. It was perfect! haha. You gave me a case of the feels thinking of the young Winchester family. It makes you wish they could be "happy" like that "forever" But alas, it's SPN, right? haha. Then we get "the scene" Hopes and dreams killed (just as they should be with SPN. haha) But you led up to the scene so well. You get me hooked and wanting more for that "happy family" and then bam!

I love Mer's personality and how she butts heads with John.

Then, oh that poor family! Mer leaves! (I mean, I knew it was coming...but still! haha)

Great chapter, friend! Loved it! :)
ocfairygodmother chapter 1 . 5/23/2017
I know you're rewriting, but I haven't reviewed your stuff and I felt like reviewing your stuff to show you some love! I know that sometimes I just need a positive review to set me in the right direction! (So, I'll try helping this way. haha)

I really like the back stories about each of your characters! I'm excited to keep going!
Cocopuffs2000 chapter 8 . 11/8/2012
Ko chapter 8 . 9/7/2012
Nice story.
kb18142 chapter 8 . 7/4/2012
NOOOOO! Chris!

Loving this story. A little rushed, but still good. Will read season 2!
Pickle Paige chapter 8 . 9/14/2011
nice now that was an end i liked it
Lionhearted21 chapter 8 . 9/11/2011
You left me really confused but that's ok! I figure things will clear up more as I read the sequel! I'm just hoping everyone survives in relatively good shape.
Hannarrhh chapter 8 . 9/11/2011

First of all, I was so not expecting Chris to die :'(

I really liked the twist with bad-Sebastian, but is he really bad or trying to help? Idk :)

He seems pretty cool, you know if her wasn't keeping Adam in a trunk and groping Aiden :L

Anyway kept me entertained as always, I feel kind of sorry for Piper, you know.

Can't wait for the new story, I bet it'll be just as good :)

Keep writing x
crossbowking chapter 8 . 9/10/2011
Ahhhhh! Sorry this is the first time I've reviewed, but I've stuck with this from the beginning. I love this story so much! I love how you've added characters but have kept Dean and Sam true to their characters. Amazing job so far! Can't wait for Season 2!
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