Reviews for Miss Fatima's School of the Orient
tripleransom chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
The ending took me apart again as it does Every. Single. Time. It's so frickken sad. Thank goodness you followed it up with a sequel.
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
Very good.
Garonne chapter 1 . 8/25/2011
Wonderful idea, wonderfully written. Your original character is one of the most convincing and three-dimensional I've seen on this site, and your 'voice' for each of the characters is flawless.
bravehearttegan chapter 1 . 8/21/2011
Very unusual, not your standard fanfiction and more enjoyable for being so. I admit, my feelings are now a bit twisted; not sure if I feel amused, shocked, relieved or pity in the end ... probably all, but who for? Why was I consistently thinking of Brett while I was reading this when I usually have my own Holmes in my head?

I love the OC, she reminded me a lot of the protagonist from ‘Crimson Petal and the White,’ though the play on male dress, male hair and behaviour made her most bizarre. You had Miss Fatima know exactly who to send him to, much to be said for brothel house deduction.

I’m not a slash fan at all, (personal preference and not narrow-mindedness,) but this was done unsentimentally and for me, in character, so you nudged my foot into the ‘other camp,’for a bit here LOL :)

Thank you for a good read