Reviews for Five Things Wesley Almost Said to Angel
myobsidianbutterfly chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
Your fic is well written and it almost made me cry. Damn, you're good! :)
Rioxeds chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
Holy crap. I cannot express how much I loved this. This captured the feeling of the entire series for me! That bit at the end left me feeling so down, but in the, "Oh my gosh, something someone wrote made me feel something!" kind of way. Thanks for writing. I appreciate it!
anarchxst chapter 1 . 11/6/2011
This is the first Angel fic I've read in years and the first I've reviewed in longer. That last part almost made me cry...You captured the sadness and regret of their friendship perfectly. This is a wonderful piece.
Antivertigo chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
Good lord, that was . . enthralling, in a word. I haven't watched every episode of Angel, so there were some things I didn't know (I regularly spoil things for myself, so ah well), but otherwise I thought it was very true to Wesley and Angel, the whole show really. Job rather well done in my opinion. .
Ace-of-Cyberspace13 chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
O. M. G. If I wasn't wearing mascara, I would be totally bawling right now! ... I hate makeup. If I look a certain way, I can see my eyelashes. Haha.

I like the last two the best!

gnbrules chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
I really enjoyed this friendship pairing, I feel like we didn't always get to see beneath the surface of it on the show. And the end I think is true. Great characterization and story-telling. :)
mossomness chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
Awww. That was lovely. Those two boys were never very good at the whole expressing their feelings thing. There were so many times you could tell they wanted to say things they were too proud or too stupid to say. This was such a great story expressing that idea. Especially the end. Since 'Deep Down' you knew that Angel forgave Wesley, but he never said it. I'm sure that after Wes died, Angel regretted that for the rest of his unlife. Well done. : )