Reviews for Come Closer
Gemm13 chapter 7 . 7/4
damn! bella with a few drinks in her is the best kind! takes no prisoners
CrazyBabez chapter 36 . 7/3
Thank you! The ending was absolutely perfect and beautiful and more than I thought it could ever be! Your writing style is so unique (most definitely in a good way) you can’t skim thought it but it’s more than that because I never want to, I want to read each word and what is said in between them to know exactly what is happening. What I’m trying to say in that your writing is so immersive that I wouldn’t notice a bomb going off while I’m ready, and if by some miracle something did interrupt me, I would not be happy because EXCUSE ME IM IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING! I don’t think I’ve managed to say what I wanted to say but just know that I’ve never read anything like your story before and I don’t think anyone else will ever write anything like you either. Sending love xxxx
CrazyBabez chapter 16 . 7/2
I have never been so simultaneously captivated and frustrated in my life. I’ve already closed the story once, put my phone down hundreds of time and I’ve lost count at the times I’ve wanted to fling my phone across the room. The way you write this story is so amazing I feel like I’m right there in the room with them. I’m not even halfway through but I know you will continue to amaze me and if you haven’t caused me to throw my phone off a cliff then I’ll let you know how much I enjoyed the rest of the story (because I’m sure I will) but I might need some wine first...
scarlson31 chapter 36 . 4/15/2019
Wow! Just, wow!

So beautiful.
emmettandme chapter 10 . 1/6/2019
Re-reading this story. As good as I remembered :)
Guest chapter 18 . 11/14/2018
Rose says "and our worst nightmare is coming true". Why is Roses and Jaspers "worst nightmare" that bella and Edward will date?

Is it just that hes a whore and they think he will use her like he does everyone else? Or is it that they are worried she will get an std? And even if both are true, how can that possibly thier "worst nightmare"? Terrible word choice.
Guest chapter 15 . 11/14/2018
Bella heart is .…."breaking, splintering, ripping apart, shattering, like the glass that still lays on the floor in shards, broken, by her" ….LMFAO all because she accused him of fucking someone?

That doesn't seen a bit dramatic to you? No, seriously, that was really over the fucking top. And is a great example of why your drabbles suck.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/14/2018
Is her "game on" supposed to be cute? is the game...….how to get Edward to stop fucking anything that moves?
Guest chapter 6 . 11/14/2018
Why would she adore this gross manwhore? She knows he was just with his secretary and just the night before she caught him with a bartender. Why is she in such a hurry to jump on his std riddled dick?
Your version of bella is pathetic.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
Edward keeps saying that the girl he just fucked is a whore. But really HE is the whore.

Why would anyone want him? He's all used up and gross. Bella can do better.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/23/2017
What the hell is happening here? I am not understanding this story at all! Sure the writing and all is good but maybe you forgot about the main thing called as a PLOT !
Guest chapter 29 . 1/17/2017
I don't care if she was "emotionally distressed" or whatever, she should not be allowed to get away with drunk driving. I have to quit the story here because that is inexcusable.
moreno.cheryl37 chapter 36 . 5/28/2016
This totally sucks. It was torture to read because of your run on and fragmented sentences but I stuck with it because I'm not a quiter. But I definitely am quitting now. What a cop out "this is what was best for them" really! That could never be best for any adult couple that really cared for each other. And the constant, stupid,juvenile teasing. Isabella was not 16 she was 22 and Edward was older. I don't think a mature man would ever hang around long being constantly being cock teased like that. We all know we read ff for the well thought out story and the lemons, they are the thanks for reading. Well unfortunately this was neither! I have never given a bad review before but this one was warranted.
Oopsadaze chapter 36 . 4/18/2016
Well, as tired as I am of manwhore Edward and virgin Bella, I decided to continue reading. I just couldn't resist discovering why she was so forbidden. I am glad I did and am starting the sequel. Thanks for your story.
Oopsadaze chapter 31 . 4/17/2016
I thought it was a pair of panties instead of a box of condoms. I'm not sure which is worse.
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