Reviews for Metal Bones
darkpaladin89 chapter 15 . 12/2/2019
Yeah, maybe he should have stayed in that bed.

His alchemy is as compromised as his immune system. Great.

Um. Found him?

Mono isn't fun at all. I think I had it as a university freshman. My case wasn't that bad, but I still felt like I wasn't long for the world until it passed.
darkpaladin89 chapter 14 . 12/2/2019
Heh. Stoned Ed. *pfft*

Something nuked his immune system. Well, that explains a lot.

If only they had seen how he did it, even while high as a kite. XD
darkpaladin89 chapter 13 . 12/2/2019
...Welp. He's in the trap. Now what? Booth clearly didn't think this one through.

Aaaaand now that cat's out of the bag. Barry was right. It was inevitable.

Something clearly erased large chunks of Scar's memory.

Medic, stat!
darkpaladin89 chapter 12 . 12/2/2019
I stand corrected as to the identity.

Yeah, the FBI is soooooooo not up to this job. No one of this world would be, could be.

...Are you NUTS, Seeley?!
darkpaladin89 chapter 11 . 12/2/2019
...What's wrong with him? This doesn't sound like the flu.

Skull blown apart from inside?
darkpaladin89 chapter 10 . 12/2/2019
Yeah, they wouldn't believe it if he told them.

No one else is gonna buy it either, probably.

...What the shit?! How'd he do that?!
darkpaladin89 chapter 9 . 12/2/2019
The paperwork never ends.

He'll be bringing your eyes back, Roy.

Is Al in armour form or in his body?

That answers that question.

Hah! Love the dig at Mustang. XD
darkpaladin89 chapter 8 . 12/2/2019
Well... That'll take some 'splainin' I know he won't want to do.
darkpaladin89 chapter 7 . 12/2/2019
Guns actually haven't changed much in 100 years.

Child soldier. You haven't figured that out yet?

That pretty woman will kick your arse. :p

That was over fast.
darkpaladin89 chapter 6 . 12/2/2019
Super-genius. Alchemist. Child soldier. Fish out of water. Freaker-out of Hodgins. XD

Maybe Mustang is Booth in this universe? XD

Ah, Ed sarcasm.
darkpaladin89 chapter 5 . 12/2/2019
Well, that confirms for the others what Sweets figured out. Child soldier.

Barry the Chopper? Shit.

Huh. He seems to get along with Angela well enough. They might bond over tattoos.

Bug-boy. XD
darkpaladin89 chapter 4 . 12/2/2019
Uhh... Well, that was unexpected.

A nightmare... and of the worst night of his life at that.

And other assorted horror. Yeesh.
darkpaladin89 chapter 3 . 12/2/2019
So that's how he got there. I presume he can, therefore, use alchemy in our world.

Perhaps she might get to see stuff like that one day.

It actually was self-defence. Envy had been trying to off Ed for... hell, years at this point.

Well, he's got his Automail back.

What a shock they would get if Ed simply transmuted the cuffs. XD
darkpaladin89 chapter 2 . 12/2/2019
You're in a hospital, Ed.

Even after crossing dimensions, don't make a crack about Ed's height. He's a little volatile about it. (Pls no kill me.)

Ah, I love the Schizo Tech. Also, that's quite a jump in time.

He's a child soldier. Just wait 'til you get that tidbit.

And there it is.

Yeah, something about being flung a century into the future will do that.
darkpaladin89 chapter 1 . 12/2/2019
What the shit? Is that Envy's corpse?

Ed survived, clearly.

How the hell did his Automail make it?

I think we're gonna see MomBones and DadBooth in relation to Ed.
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