Reviews for EverFixed Mark
happimood chapter 15 . 12/18/2019
oh my god. really dove into reading this having absolutely NO idea how heavy this story would be. but i loved this chapter with Jess and Lorelai connecting with each other (although under such sad circumstances). I love how you were able to have them breach this understanding with one another and make it really believable. And having them up in the treehouse together, as if making a pact and knowing that whatever secrets they’ve shared will be kept between them (like Jess admitting he’s still in love with Rory). I’m thoroughly enjoying this fic even though i’m only halfway (and that it’s so heartbreaking so far). i’m scared to finish it just because i know it’s not complete but such a good read, i can’t stop!
Stellaluna.3 chapter 30 . 6/28/2019
I was a good girl and looked up how long ago this chapter was posted, just so I could confirm that it was, in fact, written before the Revival... Because, while that was SUCH a mixed bag, it also proved what we Lits have always known about Jess: that he really does know Rory "better than anyone," and when she is drifting or unsure or in need of support, he is the one who has the unique ability to cut straight to the heart of things and help her see clearly. And he's such an enigma. Despite all his passion and intensity and occasional turmoil, there's also something strangely... STILL and steady about him, too, as you point out in this chapter. I really enjoyed it, and I could go on and on, but I'll leave it there for now. :-)
Stellaluna.3 chapter 29 . 6/28/2019
I like your editor. I agree that Tristan doesn't belong in this story, but I also like this chapter. I know it's a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I've never liked Tristan. I think he's a bully, and his treatment of Rory is toxic. I even like DEAN better than Tristan, and that, my friend, is saying a lot! But I really liked this chapter. Realistic, and it's good to have an outside view of the situation, and you really got Tristan's voice right.
Stellaluna.3 chapter 27 . 6/28/2019
I really like this. There's such a dreamlike quality to it, and I mean literally. Beautiful images that run together confusingly and then suddenly turn strange and sinister... Do you know what it reminds me of? The ball sequence in Labyrinth! And Rory is Sarah (in her ridiculous dress that I wanted so badly when I was five) about to shatter the wall of her bubble and break the enchantment!
Stellaluna.3 chapter 26 . 6/28/2019
Gaaaaah, my HEART! How do you do it? I am Literati ride-or-die, with all the loyal fire of a thousand Hufflepuff suns, but somehow you managed to make me CARE about Jess' relationship with a woman who is Not Rory! That's next to impossible. It usually just makes me uncomfortable to read about them being with other people, but you made it believable and heartbreaking. I never thought I'd actually be upset about Rory interrupting such a moment, but here I am! Jess' tortured, doomed love hurts so much, but baby, it hurts so good. ;-)
Stellaluna.3 chapter 23 . 6/28/2019
I don't know if you even still read reviews, but this is probably my third or fourth reread of this story, and this chapter gets me every time. Ugh, poor little Trevor! It's such a heartbreakingly complex situation for a kid to be in, and Jess understands that better than anyone. It's such a beautiful talk between them in the treehouse, and now that Milo is Jack Pearson, it's all the more easy to picture! Oh, my heart. I really admire the way you've dealt so sensitively with such a tragic situation, and moderated your own personal dislike of Logan for the sake of realism. All too often, I think it's so easy for us shippers to demonize the "competition," either to gratify our own feelings or to make our preferred candidate look better by comparison, but people are more complex than that. Dean and Logan don't to be absolute monsters in order to make Jess clearly be the right choice. And painting them as such (however much I may dislike them) only does disservice to Rory (and in this case, the children especially). Anyway, I really admire the way you've handled this!
Bumblebee93 chapter 5 . 12/1/2018
Hi. I love your work, but I ESPECIALLY loved your reference to While you were Sleepint. 10/10 one of my favorite movies.
oddmentandtweak chapter 32 . 9/26/2018
I read this entire fic in one eve and I admit that I was expecting R/J before I got to the last chapter! Not sure if you plan to continue but I'd definitely return for some solid R/J. I do think your writing is great and mostly true to character and I appreciate a serious slow burn like the best of them, but...burn faster please! Perhaps a time jump is needed to help Rory move on? Anyway, thanks for the fic.
ellerby chapter 32 . 5/30/2018

It's been a while since your last update although I have no cause to complain as I just started reading your amazing stories. I like your take on this alternate universe. I am secretly or maybe not so secretly hoping that it ends up as Lit all the way with Rory realizing that her "Prince" was indeed always waiting at home. I sort of for Logan - he's the product of his circumstances and his emotional growth is very much stilted. It's a shame he didn't just liquidate the whole empire and move on with Rory but then again it wouldn't allow this to be Lit, would it.

I started reading and re-reading Lit-centric fics after I saw the very awful Revival . . . It was just so. . .unsatisfying - a reunion without substance! I would have liked to see some of these Lit fanfiction brought to life - childen for Luke & Lorelai and Jess & Rory finally getting it together.

Anyhoos - I know you're still writing or at least I hope you are - because I don't want Rory to just be this emotional heap. She needs to get back on her feet.

To the Journey!
Y-Yukiko-Y chapter 32 . 1/30/2018
Woah this chapter... it's heartbreaking, really.
Actually no, forget that. All this fanfic has been heartbreaking. I know I said it's healing my broken literati heart, but gosh it's sad and it hurts and it feels real and all I want to do is hug Rory and Jess and everybody because they all need it.
Can I say that I really need more chapters? I need to know what's happening with everybody. Uh! Love to see (or read, whatever) Tristan in the past chapters! It was so nice to see him.
Love Jess ex fiancee, she surely feel like someone who could make him smile

Anyway, I'm going to follow this story because I need more.
Really, I'm so happy that I followed the link on the quote you posted on Tumblr.

Y-Yukiko-Y chapter 5 . 1/26/2018
Started to read this today and God! So so happy to found one of my favorites movies quoted here :) I love "While you were sleeping" it such a cute movie.
I'm going to keep reading, so happy I decided to follow your quote on Tumblr (the one from the 20th chapter), this fanfic is helping me to heal my broken heart (after the revival) so thank you very much
Stellaluna.3 chapter 32 . 1/9/2018
I discovered this fic about a year ago, and started reading it, not realizing that it was unfinished. I devoured it, loving every chapter, and then was devastated to get to the "end" and find there wasn't any more! Then last spring, you added this chapter, and I excitedly sent the whole thing to my best friend (and fellow Literati shipper) who fell in love with it just as I had. I know life gets busy, and you may not have time, but I just wanted to let you know that there are still people out here who love your story and would love to read more of it, whenever you have the time! I love the way you write all the characters, and your sensitive handling of such a difficult subject. There is so much I could say, and there isn't room for it all here, but I love your writing and hope you will continue someday!
watchtower482 chapter 32 . 12/29/2017
Ah! I'm really really late reading this, but I loved it. I read all 32 chapters in the last 24 hours. Any chance you finished it!?
Guest chapter 32 . 10/19/2017
Will you continue writing? I just stumbled upon this and must know how it ends! You are a supremely talented writer, and it would be a shame for this piece to stall here. Please know that I am reading. And waiting for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/2/2017
so far so good :-)
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