Reviews for A Different Kind of Fine
Munkeyfump20 chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
Wow oh so sweet thanks for the very good read
chymom chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Nice job! More?
Donnamour1969 chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Okay, so I have to know-was this a first kiss? I'd like to think it was, but then it seems like it wasn't. Very cool to keep me guessing and wondering. I was just so taken by surprise (pleasantly so) by the sudden Lisbon attack, lol.

Oh, and I think this was a very haunting, compelling line:

"[She] Had assumed that it [cooking] was just one of the many things that had died before she met him."

I think that was so powerful in its simplicity, but could also apply to many other things. Well done. Off to read more.
Lothlorien Aeterna chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Awwww :)
Arianna Elizabeth Jackson chapter 1 . 8/21/2011
mwahahahahahaha fantastic food and a good looking cook what else can a person want?
LazyPerfectionist17 chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
Very sweet and romantic. Loved it x
GibbsIsMyGod chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
This is pretty awesome! Multi chap?
All-I-need chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
Ah, I love this!

Jane DID promise hed never try and seduce her over a meal ... however, he failed to notice that Lisbon never promised the same thing. *snickers*

Gosh, I can really see this happening, you know? And you didnt even have to set it in the future - right after Red Gold wouldve been good, too, except for the whole Red John thing of course.

Now, could you please, pleaaaaaaase, send Jane over to me? Im in desperate need of some comfort food, too. *makes the most innocent puppy dog eyes*

Thanks for posting, this one made me laugh. Poor Jane, cant even think straight after one kiss. Haha!
a pinch chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
So cute! I luv How Jane studders " strong are those pain killers?" I luv it just luv it!
LittleMender chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
What a great one-shot! So fun and full of affection. Loved Jane's nervous babbling about nutrients and Lisbon just taking charge, giving him that kiss that stops the babbling and puts him at ease. And even though they're not in this place on the show, I could hear their voices and see them in my mind's eye in this. Sweet, with just the right amount of depth. Thanks, lizook!
mia66 chapter 1 . 8/11/2011

I like the idea of them like that the dinner scene was super and the kiss was perfect.

another chapter to folow?
Wldwmn chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I loved this. A nice little snapshot and oh MY that kiss. Came out of nowhere with enough pizzaz to give ME goosebumps, and all I did was read it! Well done! :D
xanderseye chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
oh yeah...was that good for you too? Lol, dessert? Does that mean we get another chapter...pretty please.
chibinoyume chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
Aww. I'm glad you're writing more ;D! It was somewhat announced in your review reply, but still :)

I always like these snippets of their relationship.

I gotta admit I had some trouble with the imagery when they start kissing, though; I couldn't quite picture it since at times it didn't seem plausible for them to be in the hinted positions while sitting on chairs.

But the actual kiss? Sweet. And hot, too. Something that's not easy to achieve, especially both at the same time ;)

- "I... that was... how strong are those pain killers..." -


*Gives you a cookie as encouragement for more fics :)*
MeltedChocoButton chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I liked the easy-going, warm feel of this fic. The natural dialogue and the kiss out of the blue, without build-up; it just seemed like a sweet snapshot of them. Liked all the little details too like the dolphin tea towel.