Reviews for So Reassuring
leaky.oven chapter 1 . 6/17/2012
WAUGH, you write them so damn convincingly! Spot on. Awesome.
happyday girl chapter 1 . 9/20/2011
This was really good, and just like it was in the film! I've actually only just finished watching the film, and i had to see if there was any fics on it :-D the curse of knowing about this site is that your always wondering if there are fics on everything!

this fic was really good, i especially liked the 'who's the tough guy?' bit, so true to the character of Mr white! I could yack on about the film but I won't :-D

great fic!

Lord Darling chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I don't often use words like 'adorable', but this IS adorable!

Well done. Sorry this review isn't more comprehensive. I'm tiree.
Stega chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
There is... a massive grin on my face right now.