Reviews for TeCoven Generation
Lolmaker chapter 20 . 6/26/2019
This story is amazing! And I like the ship of Alvin and Jeanette, please carry on with this story! Are you gonna update?
Silver Cupcake chapter 20 . 6/23/2019
Silver Cupcake chapter 19 . 4/12/2018
oh PLEASE update! That masterpeice should be completed you know? IT WAS LITERALLY AMAZING!

Brenda chapter 18 . 10/29/2015
Don't know if you will update this story again or if this is the last bit we'll see. It should get more reviews, but I think it's mostly due to the fact that it's a mixed couple involved. I don't mind them. I just...suggest you take it slow. At one moment the same night you had Jeanette blushing when with Simon, and all of a sudden she finds sweet Alvin attractive after the walk home. It's the same with Alvin. Out of nowhere, he suddenly makes a move. A very bold one, without no hint prior. I had no idea he was interested? You do not need to rush. NEVER RUSH. It's best if feelings grow gradually, IF they do end up together. Another issue that crops up with mixed couples is that many exaggerate Alvin's good part of himself. They make him too nice and too sweet. As if they need to change or twist him a little to fit with Jeanette (or Eleanor). They don't have to do that. Especially with Jeanette. He's already receptive of her compared to the others in the show (aside from Theodore) without the creators switching his core character. Just a bit of a tip. It needs to be believable. I see you're also going for Brimon. Out of the mixed couples, that is the LEAST likely I'll ever see working out, so I'm curious to how it will settle in.

But you got an interesting plot going on with a setting that has basis. I hope you one day continue it. It's rare to find stories of this nature. I need to see Simon learn not to release his anger out on people, lol. The last thing he ever SAID to Alvin, as in, say he might have been dead, the last words he ever said was that he did not want to see him for a while and that he did not care what happens to him. Harsh much, and he got what he asked for. This is why people should always be careful with their words and what they wish for. Now he "won't have Alvin for a brother" for...however long he's going to stay in TeCoven.

I never give long reviews. If I do, the fic is worth writing about if it gets me this much into it. I'm picky. If you're never going to update though, please let the readers know. That way they could move forward rather than wait for a chapter that won't ever come.
JPElles chapter 18 . 4/27/2014
Interesting? Will this be continued? Great from what i've read. Sad if it isn't.
Senza Luna chapter 17 . 6/10/2013
Chapter 19
anyagal chapter 18 . 5/21/2013
hurry up please! i love your story!
Titania's Assistant chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
Please update this! I love this story so much. It reminds of Assassin's creed because of the ancestry that makes Alvin and Jeanette chosen for TeCoven
I LUV UR STORY chapter 18 . 1/28/2013
Heyo! Just update soon, cuz I love this sooooo much! xD thanx
Guest chapter 18 . 12/22/2012
OOOH! Cliffhanga! XD Haha :) Update soon, and if I don't review sooner Merry Christmas! :P
Senza Luna chapter 18 . 11/13/2012
Continue soon please.
Naomi chapter 18 . 11/5/2012
Whoa. The plot reeled me in! XD haha, but anyways, I just read all the chapters and it was just AMAZING! You should totally turn this into a book! :D Brilliant chapter, hope you update soon:)

-Naomi who is waiting on for Chapter 19.
Alvinettefan chapter 18 . 11/5/2012
omg i loved it! i can't beleve that alvin's grandad worked for tecoven! :S great job (as always!) update soon!

-Alvinettefan ;-)
french frys rok chapter 18 . 11/5/2012
dang. this was EPIC. I can't WAIT to find out more about Alvin's past! good job on the chapter, it kept me goin' ;-)
Guest chapter 18 . 11/5/2012
OOoohhh! I loved it! :):) plz update soon! :D
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