Reviews for A Twist in Rivalry
Guest chapter 9 . 5/2/2016
Please update as this is as a very good story
TheBookGoddes chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
If it's like Romeo and Juliet do they end up dying
Guest chapter 6 . 8/14/2015
what about thaico ther related now
Diddlybob09 chapter 9 . 7/29/2015
Please, please don't kill them. If you kill them I will metaphorically die in a small hole. Just make them run away or something, anything! *gets down on knees* please, I beg you, please don't hurt them. I'm not dramatic, nor sarcastic at ALL. ;)
wiseone13 chapter 9 . 6/7/2014
I love it I notice you haven't UPDATE in year someone going to take over or your still going to do this story. Please I need to know this story is so awesome
ahjegqdfvxgu chapter 9 . 4/10/2014
Please! Update!
LaDyPeRcAbEtHiSQueenb chapter 9 . 3/27/2014
um hi, wanna update? I read this a while ago, not on my account, and if you don't, can i adopt it?
SamDiValdez chapter 9 . 3/11/2014
This is amazing.
LiveLaughLoveAndStayYOU chapter 9 . 12/20/2013
love it
Fangirlforever22 chapter 9 . 9/19/2013
Hah! Tuesday the 8tyh my butt!
ChildOfSea chapter 9 . 2/26/2013
Onlyafraidoffear chapter 9 . 1/24/2013
Have them runaway together! Percy waits for annabeth as she sneaks out the secret tunnel then they run away and get married! But Percy has to see Sally at least once! Please continue this story is awesome!
Guest chapter 9 . 1/3/2013
You better get this story up by next Tuesday or ill keep PMing you until you do haha!
MaxwellAndersonJC chapter 9 . 1/1/2013
Thank you SO MUCH for updating! I loved the chapter, it was satisfying and enjoyable! I'm really glad you got to update, I was looking forward to this story for so long, thank you! Update soon!
raisa864 chapter 9 . 1/1/2013
Amazing, absolutely amazing! The percabeth is just too fluffy and cute! It's like the actual Romeo and Juliet! Flawless grammar! KEEP WRITING!
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