Reviews for The Butter Cake Quest
Umbre0n chapter 6 . 6/20/2012
Hahaha, awesome!
DinoPrincessAliKat chapter 4 . 1/2/2012
epic...that is all

50 cent chapter 4 . 12/30/2011
OMG MURPHY IS HERE :D Great story was hillarious I enjoyed reading it and I can't wait for more. Please update.


50 cent- Bulletproof
DinoPrincessAliKat chapter 3 . 8/29/2011
tu est FANTASTIQUE! ok when i learn more french this year i'll use other compliments, mmkay?

OMFT! (Oh My French Toast!) Zerox iz in this chappy! and so iz Fluffy! FLUFFY! i luvz Fluffy. :D hehe Bogey gets tied up hehe...'nother chappy plz!
Angel-Dougherty chapter 2 . 8/20/2011
I think this story is really funny! I really like stories with henry and Eileen, you should make them a couple and Eileen will win against cynthia! (I'm coo coo over Henry/eileen)
DinoPrincessAliKat chapter 2 . 8/11/2011
omg! you iz AMAZING! luved how PH dissed Boogey! i would agree with him on the smoking thing but i don't smoke so closest thing i've had was candy cigars! XD

THANX FOR THE B-DAY THING! seriously u r like one of my top favorite authors, WAY up there with Predtards!

wat iz the difference between Boogey and PH? i asked my friend and she gave me answer that kind of confused me!

just cause ur stories are so AWESOME i'm dedicating my first fic to u! after my computer bes nice and let's me upload it. 'kay?

Blu chapter 2 . 8/8/2011
*takes up chant* BUTTER CAKE IN DOWNPOUR! So funny! Next chappie plz?
DinoPrincessAliKat chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
PSSSH!...who needs a man? screw Valtiel's speech let's just prance around silent hill throwing daisies and eating strawberries...mmmm, strawberries...anyway Alessa you evil one i shall throw you into the brightest pinkest room i know's closet! XD


oh cause i forgot to mention it, ur stories brighten not only today but my also my b-day and i thank u for the joy...that is ur revoir!
Lunaculus chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
This is seriously epic xD

Can't wait to read more 3