Reviews for Onesided chapter 3 . 4/12/2015
OH MY GOSH! After reading the A/N at the bottom, I was so relieved that it was a dream! I reread the chapter, and then continued on.
Chapter 3- 'wow'. That's how I'll describe it.
First of all, when the nurse asked for Wally's family, and Robin and Barry both said yes in response, I was squealing inside. Those two lines alone had so much power, and, to me at least, showed just how much Robin truly loves Wally.
Then, as I read on, I could not stop grinning like an idiot during the banter between Batman and Robin. Of course, I smiled even bigger when they kissed.
The ending was perfect, and so was the writing. Awesome detail, no mistakes, completely in character...
I can't wait to read and review more of your stories; I know they're going to be outstanding! chapter 2 . 4/12/2015
Oh my gosh- that was one of the best cliff hangers I've ever read! Not only was your writing super detailed, but I kept wanting to read more. And more. And more. The entire time, I kept shouting 'ROBIN! CONFESS YOUR LOVE TO KF!' in my head. Somehow, you managed to hold off, and keep the plot line going. If I had written this, I probably would've made Dick confess to Wally on the date. The fact that you managed to add in so many events and details in between the date and now in order to keep the reader drawn in is awesome. Oh, and the end? It was spectacular! I got so happy and emotional during the final scene, and then boom- cliffhanger. Was it nightmare? Reality? Poison, drugs? I need to know! I can't wait until the next chapter; I already know it's not going to disappoint. Great job! :)
YJFangirl chapter 3 . 7/5/2013
powerrangersfangirl22 chapter 3 . 4/11/2013
This story is awesome!
Angelic Sakura Blossom - Moved chapter 3 . 3/5/2013
I just LOVE the phone call. That was hilarious! And I think this was a great ending.
lightsoul chapter 3 . 9/5/2012
Haha, this was an awesome fic and I absolutely love the back and forth between Batman and Robin.

I'm glad this had a happy, funny ending to contrast to the beginning of the story.

I'm pretty sure that Robin, or at least Nightwing, knows sign language as well as being capable of reading lips. I'm not too certain on Wally's healing abilities or how fast he can regenerate.

All in all, I really liked this fic :]
havingurbaby chapter 3 . 6/26/2012
And it makes sense! Great job. I loved the fact that Superboy and Miss M went on a rampage. I find it funny for a wierd reason. 2nd date has to be in Gotham.. Course it does, so Batsy can trolll. Asterous fic
havingurbaby chapter 2 . 6/26/2012
SOOOO FREAKING CONFUSED! So... Was this Wally's mind or what? NEVERTHELESS... AMAZING JOB. The dreams and the whole rejection thing..
havingurbaby chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
*tears up* POOR BABIES. You wrote fantastically, as usuall. That was... let me tell you something, you are making me depressed. Your writing has that much control over my emotions. I mean, I completely feel for Wally. You know how hard it must be fore Wally to love Dick and have him so close but know he could never have him. GAHHH. MAKES ME WANNA JUMP OFF A CLIFF. :)


Onward to chapter 2
DayDreaming0f y0u chapter 3 . 11/14/2011
Simply amazing. Got a little confused until I kept reading. This was great. I was scared it wouldn't work out at first, but I was not let down. Haha, of course Bruce would do all that. I mean, come on! This is Dick we're talking about here. Bruce would take any and all measures for him. Plus some. Really sweet, too!
song six chapter 1 . 11/10/2011
Hey there! It's been a couple months but I said I would read your story and I am! And that's right! I'm reviewing every chapter! Haha, and by the way: I am very honored and very flattered I was one of the people you wanted to dedicate the story seriously! That's pretty stellar!

I like the concept you have going here. Surprisingly enough, I don't read a lot of stories where Robin doesn't necessarily feel the same at first while Wally is asking for this chance. It's nice to be able to read it rather than write it! There's a huge difference. If you write it you already know what will happen in the end so there's not as much satisfaction as reading someone else's work and hoping for the ending you want or will move you!

I like how you keep even the description casual like the dialogue. That's my favorite type of writing of all time because it makes it easier for most readers to relate and to hear your voice and truly feel what you're conveying. Take for instance the :

"it was Robin's "I'm-not-interested-in-dating" tone."


While at the same time I appreciate how you use 'bigger' words, but ones that fit with the flow well. I really love 'bewilderment'. I may use that in the future because of you, because I like it so much. Though, I feel there are some description words that throw off the flow. take for instance when you specifically pointed out how Wally used his /left/ hand to take Dick;s /right/ one it would have worked just fine and with more feeling with out small details such as that.

I really like the lead in into the idea of Kid Flash pretty much confessing his love in this flashback, and there is a ton of potential in this scene. The kiss part in the end just seemed a bit OOC for Robin. I would imagine a bigger explosion if out of nowhere Wally just kissed Dick, like how they did it in the YJ Twitter when he freaked out.

When using their names in a sentence, what really helps with keeping flow and with no pauses or double takes is being sure to use it only once within a sentence. And if you must refer to them again you could try their real names, nicknames, or other alias' or just 'he' and 'him' 'his' and junk.

I love the idea of Dick constantly having nightmares about his parents dying. i would love for you to go into more depth about that, and maybe even make it a bit of a journey and slowly get into it because I felt like I was jumping headfirst into learning he has nightmares every night and I got the whole play-by-play within two or three sentences.

I love how you still add Robin language and the word 'totally'!

I like this sentence:

"Robin awoke in a cold sweat, wondering if he had let out a scream. After waiting for a few seconds, no one arrived to check on him, no screaming." though I think you could convey into more angst and add more anxiety to this. It's a very intense subject and the sentence felt a bit flat.

I really love this sentence:

"When he lifted his head, there were a pair of green eyes staring at him, Wally was sitting in a chair he had pulled up. His chin resting on his fingers, as he watched Robin." because you did an beautiful job of creating an image in my head and I could just see this happening, plus it was well worded and had good flow to it.

I felt like these sentences just felt slightly awkward:

"Wally stood up, he was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt that showed off his lean build and a black vest over it. He was wearing loose blue denim jeans with a red and yellow Flash belt"

Because in the first one you already say "he was wearing..." even though it doesn't start with it it still sounded a bit awkward when the second also has "He was wearing...". There are some cases where something like that works, but it's when someone is trying to put emphasis on something to make a dramatic moment or something.

I love this whole entire sentence:

"In any case, I just need a half hour to get ready, watch TV or something while you..." He didn't want to say 'wait' so for lack of better word, "don't not wait..." With that Robin swiftly left the warmth of his bed, leaving Wally to wallow in despair for a bit." because I thought it was really funny that he couldn't use the word 'wait' with Wally being how he is with the whole impatience thing. Then, I love your description of Wally wallowing in despair.

"WALLY! What are you doing here!" Robin screamed. -I think there should be a question mark.

"WALLY! What are you doing here!" Robin screamed. Words cannot not convey how I feel about this sentence. I'm in love! Hahaha! This so far is my favorite sentence of all time...I need to go read some 'M' slash or something hahahahahha...kidding...mostly...

"Robin was now waving his other arm frantically, as if trying to swat a fly." Seriously, i love a lot of your descriptions and style of writing! Because it's laid back and casual, but still tells a story and isn't completely relaxed.

I love the work 'gawk'.

HA! Megan got caught. I really like how you just have pretty much admit she's been reading their thoughts. Reminds me of a oneshot I read once about her getting annoyed at them by how they were acting and forced them to confessed so they'd stop acting bratty to everything else.

Robin saying:"Hey maybe I'll feel something for you at the end of the day" kind of put me off, it felt a bit OOC and too blunt. Like it could be re-worded to him saying how he's giving him a chance still.

I liked the detail into what Wally and Dick were wearing, it helped with the fantasy image and is the fluff many of us fangirls enjoy so we can squee. The description of what the blonde kid on the bus was wearing corrupted the flow just a bit. The fact he was blonde could stand on its own and feel easier to read.

OHMYGOSH! So Robin just totally pretty much implied he may be gay too! That was a really good moment! Perfect actually! It was all up to the reader to pick up the hints, and I'm holding back a squee because's it's like 1am and my roommate is trying to sleep.

I'm not completely sure how I feel about the Robin has felt certain emotions since his parents died thing. Don't get me wrong, i really like it, but Dick was always known to always staying true to himself and holding his heart on his sleeve while it's more like Tim to hide his feelings and then let it get worse when his dad got killed. But the reason I don't know if it'd fit or not is because technically the YJ Robin IS more like Tim than Dick so...I'll just go with I really like this concept. Because being around someone as emotionally constipated as Bruce must be hard on Dick, though he at least had Alfred.

This was a really good read. I really enjoy the plot, and I like where your taking the story. there's tons of potential here and loads of great stuff! I like the different subjects you're going into here, now something that could be considered is the pace of the story. There were just a few scenes, and usually the ones without dialogue that felt rushed. Take for instance the kiss scene or the fact Dick knew he would have another reoccurring nightmare of his parents dying. They're both really good ideas and scenes to do, but I think&know you have the ability to expand that and pull the readers in more, because you do that when you have dialogue in the scene. Like how I love the part where you have Wally confess and Robin took it as him being a bro when he was really on the prowl. That was a really great beginning!

Anyways, that's all i have for now for this chapter! I'm going to keep on reading&reviewing! Thankyou for writing this! I had a good time reading!

- songsix
Don'tMessWithAFangirl chapter 3 . 10/31/2011
This is SO COOL! I like the Sixth Sense-esque writing, and the ending was fantastic. The batman-robin banter was HILARIOUS!
Sammy1792 chapter 3 . 10/29/2011
Very sweet ending to an awesome KF/Rob fic! :)
Miss West chapter 3 . 10/21/2011
That. Was. Fantastic. -dies-
angelrider13 chapter 4 . 9/24/2011
Did you check your alert settings?
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