Reviews for Shades of Self
lolistarkiller chapter 19 . 9/3
Yay I just read this chapter and loved it! I can’t wait for your time skips to see Ben begin changing into his eventual 4 year later self! I like these kinds of stories where you see the hero change because of their worst enemy and become their ally! I can’t wait for your next update so I really hope you update again as soon as you can! This is currently my favorite fanfic!
Guest chapter 19 . 8/27
Keep writing, Your very good at it! but dont worry about taking a break if you need too :)
wolfclaw1098 chapter 19 . 8/26
I'm looking forward to the 4 years ago chapter where Ben starts to forget about life before and live in the present with vilgax. i like the transition u have going now tho !
wolfclaw1098 chapter 19 . 8/26
awesome! I like seeing how vilgax is forcing Ben to accept the new environment
Kay Hau chapter 19 . 8/26
Nice chapter! Loving the progress of Ben’s mental and emotional changes in this story, and the little rewards Vilgax gives him to keep him on edge like that are really interesting. Looking forward to the next one!
lobo solitario chapter 19 . 8/26
Great. Poor Ben, he is getting used to Vilgax and his petting.

Hey, i was writting some questions in private message but apparently they werent sent. I have a lot questions about these events.

Good chapter and mild. Ben can relax.
MugetsuPipefox chapter 18 . 8/22
Hhhhhhhhh poor Ben TTATT
MugetsuPipefox chapter 17 . 8/22
The conditioning is so awful TTATT Poor Ben you deserve so much better
MugetsuPipefox chapter 16 . 8/22
RIPJAW! He's my favourite OG alien :D It feels bad to say I'm enjoying this lol Pretty sure if I was Ben i would already have lost it
I noticed in this one you used than instead of then a lot. Than is for comparisons, usually
MugetsuPipefox chapter 15 . 8/22
It feels like a slow descent into insanity. Poor kid. I get the feeling Vilgax isn't overly familiar with human psychology
Kay Hau chapter 18 . 8/18
Well done! Finally got around to catching up on this story, and so glad I did! I think you did any excellent job on working your way up to Ben’s breakdown, and the future relationship between Vilgax and Ben and what led up to it is very interesting. Though I hate to admit it, I’m also kind of rooting for the bad guys here? Perhaps it’s the Vilgax POVs - your version of him is actually really interesting, and you can easily see why so many peoples follow him so loyally. He seems like he’d actually be an intelligent and just ruler, even with his conquest of various planets one after another and likely zero tolerance for any sort of rebellion. Also, I gotta say, I just love how you chose to make Ben unique! I admit Gwen 10 seriously irritated me, and when he gave it up in the original series with the implication that someone else would be better with it, I was actually angry! I very much prefer the idea that it’s become part of Ben, and that physical and psychological need to shapeshift and stretch himself in various sizes and shapes is such a fascinating headcanon! Again, great job, and eagerly looking forward to the next chapter!
wolfclaw1098 chapter 18 . 8/7
soooooo good. I don't usually comment but I am loving to finally see what happened to make vilgax bens master in such a solid way
Heato-kun chapter 18 . 8/6

Wow, Azmuth. Gone that fast. Boy, sure hope Malware isn't somewhere else dying to be cured while an entire civilization shuns him while his dad died. And Albedo is gonna be in total disarray.

It was kinda cute to see how Vilgax started getting Ben to drop his inhibitions... even if it involved harsh heavy manipulation. He even understands that if he wants the Omnitrix, he needs Ben to "accept" him. And he's the one "accepting" Ben in the meantime, albeit not on an equal ground.

Me wonders when/if Ben's gonna wisen up and free his cousin, Grandpa and others, and how he'd do it. Though I doubt he's in the state to rebel, maybe he'll ask his Master to let them go for some greater benefit plan. Or because he wants to, remembered he cared about them too or some other sappy reason. Doubt Vilgax would agree, but it's definitely established at this point that he cares about Ben's feelings ( least as a dog. Wonder if he'll ever start treating him like a person).
lolistarkiller chapter 18 . 8/6
It makes me happy to see Vilgax as a person not as just the one note evil warlord he was portrayed in the show. The fact that you are exploring both Ben and Vilgax’s characters is awesome, especially because Ben is a child and no child can withstand isolation for so long without seeking out comfort when it is given. I’m excited to see how Ben becomes what he is 4 years later in these flashback chapters, as well as Vilgax actually understanding that Ben IS A CHILD and does need attention and care like any other child would. To me it seems like Vilgax is truly trying to help Ben (because you have to take in the cultural differences between the two races) become comfortable with his circumstances. I cannot wait for your next update! I’m so happy you’ve been updating pretty regularly, because most of my other favorite fanfics take months even for the smallest updates. Thank you for writing such a well thought out character driven narrative and can’t wait to see what happens next!
lobo solitario chapter 18 . 8/5
Wow, incredible. That chapter has been so emotional and it opens the gate for a new beginning.
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