Reviews for Picking Up the Pieces
uncommoner chapter 8 . 9/19/2011

I know you were building for the grand finale, and sketching out the characters objections and reasons for and against getting in a clinch, all that relationship stuff.

I just think that in this chapter, there was a little more conversation than required to get to the point where they decide.

Fair play to ya, in that you wanted to build it, and they both had hurdles to overcome, and perhaps my reception is down to being male:)

Poor Sarah. She is so hard on everyone, but so much harder on herself.

Charley's a brave lad, coming back for more riding of the whirlwind.


uncommoner chapter 7 . 9/15/2011
"He forgot, he forgot sometimes that Sarah wasn't immune to the life she led."


I think this is the impression I will take from this chapter. Movies and writing don't often show what havoc derring-do causes to people. Most folks are absolutely _wrecked_ after a burglary/theft/street assault. Imagine what it would be like to be Sarah Connor?

Someone on Twitter, this very morning wanted to go to bed and awake as Sarah. I would find the responsibility, far too much.

To write Sarah, as flinty as she is, but with that heart that keeps her human is an achievement. It's NOT easy being Sarah Connor. This chapter shows that very well, without large explosions. The only prop some form of kitchen rag. Neat work, imagination going off left and right.

Heh, I LOVE the reference to the disgusting carp available at T*** B*ll.

At last, the woman of steel gives in, eight years?

Beautifully written, as always. Nice work.



This chapter evoked memories of the show, and honestly, I preferred this telling of, "To The Lighthouse." I wondered again why JF would use, in his reverential way, the title to Virginia Woolf's engaging and mysterious novel. I asked myself why Charley couldn't stay alive? He wasn't a major character, in the sense of screen time, but his role was important. I find the relationship with Sarah a natural one. He might not kill terminators every week, but he looks after kids, can cook, heal bullet wounds and earns a salary. Good bloke to have around, I'd say.
uncommoner chapter 6 . 9/14/2011

Eeeh, I'm not sure if I'm in a bit of a moody myself this afternoon, but I found that relentlessly dark.

I know that the episodic nature of FF writing rather mirrors that of television programming, has to be a start, middle and satisfying end every week. Stories need developing, and when dealing with the apocalypse to come, the personal stories are definitively going to be unhappy.

Poor Charley, poor Sarah, this is one impossible set of choices they face, and poor Savannah. First her parents get wiped out, then she's left with a cold silver shadow, and now she's in between these two souls in torment.

Beautifully written as always.

I hope Chapter 7 has a little more optimism:)


wheresmyluce chapter 14 . 9/3/2011
Damn you, CBLG. You made me cry like a freaking baby. But you did give me A Cameron treat :) YAY! Seriously. This was sooooooooooo great. So full of love and hope. And it screams and I mean SCREAMS for a yummerific sequel with Twinkies, Zingers, and Happy Meals for everyone! You have mad skills my friend. I'm honored to call you that. Thanks for the shout outs. Big Charley/Sarah hugs to you and your vid is still coming. Maybe we can use it as a trailer for part 2 :D
TriforceYolo chapter 14 . 9/3/2011
What? What? What? What? What? What? It's over? That's it?

Now I see why you put your AN on the bottom. Sneaky.

:) AWWW! The ending had me in tears. Cameron's back! And John, but no one cares about him. CAMERON!

I'm going to miss Charley/Sarah. There definetely should be a sequel. I see it! I see it!

:) Kudos, Oreos, Charley's Trolley, Twinkies, Sprinkles, Smores to you!

I enjoyed this. I may be coming back to it to give me some motivation to finish mine! :D

I heart your work!
Jesse chapter 13 . 8/31/2011
A friend told me to check this out. I'm glad I did. You are a fantastic writer.

:) Charley and Sarah were meant to be. I love this pairing.

Update soon.
wheresmyluce chapter 13 . 8/29/2011
O wow. The cliffhanger from hell! But b4 that. Wow o wow. Moments of yummy bliss. Having charley listen to the tapes is brillisnt. I love this story so much. Im at work snd reviewing anyway. I couldnt resist ehen I got the slert of a new chap. Forgivr my typos. Im teviewing on my phone. I couldny wait. U and cheeky make me crazy. LOL awesome chap. Im hanging on ur every word.
IllogicalPhrase chapter 13 . 8/29/2011
"What time is it?"


Hilarious. Keep it up. (:
Jill chapter 13 . 8/29/2011
Don't hurt Charley! :(
TriforceYolo chapter 13 . 8/29/2011

You just had to end it there! Talk about suspense. :(

I wonder who that nameless someone is. HA! :D

All in all, I loved the teasing, the joking, and most of all Charley/Sarah!

Go Charley, not letting Sarah cook the pancakes. Way to leave a girl breatheless.

Next Chapter. Like now. :)

jill chapter 12 . 8/28/2011
very well written. can't wait for the next update! :)
TriforceYolo chapter 12 . 8/27/2011
Hey, hey, hey, hey! I resent that. I am not cheating. Just unevening the playing field. (:

Which you have evened out again with a spitball of humor and smores to pass around.

Any-Who-Dinker (: Dirty tactics win everything! And my Twinkie has soo popular.

Hey, Charley's Trolley was a good one. You enjoyed it. Charley would enjoy it.

Sarah and Charley sexual tension that leads to hot sex! When will they learn? Ha!

James, you are playing with fire! Don't get cocky at the table. Ha!

I've never had smores before. I envy you, Savannah.

And all three of our stories are lined up together!

wheresmyluce chapter 12 . 8/26/2011
O happy day :D Beef stew, Smores, Sex, humor, angst, good times! Charley comforting/distracting Sarah, love it! Ellison flawlessly blending into the nonconventional family unit. Comparing hiding guns with laundry instructions (LOL). Sarah realizing she was a little tough on John but for all the right reasons. So much good stuff to savor here. Savor the flavor. Jeez I think i want a bowl (a good one) of stew and a twinkie! Good grief. Brilliant update. Anxiously awaiting the next :P
fig-aruna chapter 11 . 8/25/2011
Sarah is a bit more indulgent than I'm used to (in regards to Savannah), but I loved the obvious contrast between Gant and Charley. Charley's doubts were spot on. I really felt Sarah's annoyance at him though for being so impulsive at Gant's. (Charley, can't you see you're undermining your partner? This is an arms deal fer chrissake!)

Imagining Sarah and Gant in their time together was very interesting. Especially knowing that John had really taken to him. Yeah, Sarah said John was just desperate for w fatherly figure, but Gant seemed to have been head over heels for Sarah, referring her to the former Mrs. Gant after so many years of absence and boiling resentment. In Sarah's POV, Sarah admits that he'd be more of her type than Charley was. I know you probably meant on paper, but the possibilities are still pretty intriguing.
IllogicalPhrase chapter 11 . 8/24/2011
Oh, ho, ho...Now I see who has been giving my friend, CheekeyMonkey, the motivation to get her lazy butt up and writing something new.

This is really good. I can't see why more people aren't reviewing it! They may be too speechless to think of something.

Charley and Sarah are a duo to the end. I missed Charley when he died. I kept hoping he would magically come back on.

Never did. He was one of my favorites.
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