Reviews for Come What May
Bee4ever chapter 15 . 1/2/2013
This was too cute! Loved it!
spooningthemoon chapter 14 . 7/17/2012
Yaaaay Optimus is back!
spooningthemoon chapter 15 . 7/17/2012
Loved it. Can you either change the rating to 'M' and have an explicit scene, or write a seperate fic containing the intimacies that Optimus and Andromeda experienced? Thanks!
Wolf Prime chapter 15 . 3/18/2012
Hello, my friend! It has pass a long time and I didn't get the chance to with a review from your story. It was awesome to read it, I really enjoyed every moment of it, and the emotion you put with the characters, the chapters where Optimus was dying made cry a lot, you really write this tragic part with passion and I love that, how his relationship with Andromeda going to good and worse but hen return to good and so it goes X3.

Well done, my friend! Really you deserve to have more reviews for your stories! They are awesome! Congratulations and keep going with the excellent work! See you around! w
yay gr chapter 15 . 4/16/2009
This was good, but it would have been easier to read if it had quotation marks. I like the park were Rodimus remembers getting Optimus drunk.
Failing in General chapter 15 . 1/22/2008
omg! i liked this story! i couldn't taer my self away from the screen!

you deserve alot of credit for this!

keep up the good work.
RedPanda923 chapter 15 . 8/4/2007
I my took me a while but i finally finished the whole story and i have to say that it is a very good story i love Rodamius his is so awsome. the story it self is very good i love how it stars all the way to the end and i am surprise at how good and well you thought up the story i have you a 5 star on this story and hope you had fun making it. _
V956970 chapter 1 . 7/20/2007
Excellent story thus far! You are so cool!
optimus' girfriend chapter 15 . 7/12/2007
That Was flippin' amazing! it was incredibly well written and even though it was romantic it didn't sell off as a "cheap sex novel". Really good story!
starscreamlover chapter 15 . 8/26/2005
best story i've read so far really good! i hope u write some more storys not just about optimus but about other characters u like too. i would read them all! take the advise and write some more fics! keep up the good work! )

p.s. this was really funny! keep that when u write more. fav part was the flashback with optimus on that luxery planet!
starscreamlover chapter 2 . 8/25/2005
ok- flashback seriously funny! can't wait to read the rest!
ShadowDrygan04 chapter 15 . 8/24/2005
this was brilliant u should write a story about wat happens next in this one it would be brilliant _
Guest chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
i have only watched transformers armada..but just out of curiosity, how does Optimus have a son? He's a robot incase you didn't notice...
MiT chapter 15 . 10/18/2003
One word: Wow

Optimus Magnus chapter 15 . 5/19/2003
I love this story, I am a great fan (look at my pen name, a good indicator I hope)

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