Reviews for Running Amok
Heart of the Demons chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
This crossover was all kinds of fun for me. Even though I've not seen "The X-Files," this fic more than makes up for that. The fact that the ThunderCats and Lunataks were in it made everything even more fun for me. You've kept everybody in character just as a writer like yourself should. I'm so happy to have read this story. x-)
SorryI'mDoneGoodbye chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
Interesting crossover never did gotten into X-Files. Loved it from start to finish.

Tho this ending seemed like what you typically get with an 'epilouge' of each Thundercat episode. Scully's situation left me in stiches an Mulder acting like a kid in a grown man's body was pricless.

"Sure..she'd got forced to watch the series in her dorm room" *wink*
Seiya's Star chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
Oh that was just frickin' awwesome and hilarious! I LOVED it! I could really enjoy reading more fanfics like that!
18lzytwner chapter 1 . 6/26/2006
Scully was abducted by aliens again! Classic! Great story!
L.M.C chapter 1 . 3/4/2002
huh. weird, freaky, insane. I like it!
Clare chapter 1 . 6/5/2001
Mulder and Scully are really in-character here. Welcome to my favorites list!
Vulgaris Prime chapter 1 . 3/30/2001
Heh heh, you still got it, Cheez. You still got it.
Jennifer Ever Zero chapter 1 . 11/27/2000
Ohh, you did *not*! That was the absolute weirdest crossover I've seen on this site...and I'm still laughing about it! "Mumm-Ra wasn't in that episode!" And I loved Liono's little 'lesson' about not playing with dimensional-warping technologies...But the whole bit about Scully and Alluro's unresolved sexual tension was just... _ ? Kick ass!
Keres chapter 1 . 9/10/2000
Loved it. Heh, I never knew Mulder was a Thundercats fan!
Kith chapter 1 . 9/10/2000
A very good fic. It has everything, ThunderCats Lunataks and Scully looking like a moron what more could you want? (A follow up with Mumm-Ra zapping the out of Scully hehe) Definatly a recomended read, something about Lunataks going wild in an ambulance is great.