Reviews for Mirror Shine
Versalcor chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
A nice idea. Here's to getting rid of whiny parasite. Vincent with a plan and purpose is not one to be messed with. The fact that his friends trust his reasoning helps too. Even Cloud goes along with it. Whether it's a oneshot or you're thinking about more I'm just happy that they are father and son and that Sephiroth is free.
GNXmike chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
Wahh! Really good so far.

Hurry up and do chapter 2, I'm curious as to how Sephiroth's relationship to Vincent as his father develops...

~GNXmike ;P
kero chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
update soon
The Ninja And The Writer chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
My face: :D

YESH! No one has reviewed. Sad day, this is a feesable idea, not one thought of everyday.

I like it. :3

Update *this one* please?

The Ninja Vendetta