Reviews for Fields of Gold
Gillian Deverone chapter 1 . 9/10/2012
I really enjoy your writing style. It's crisp and straight forward and yet reveals things about Josh and Donna that are just right there and realistic, but hiding somehow and waiting for someone (you) to find them and bring them to light. Great job. Thanks for writing.
Aeidhryn chapter 1 . 2/9/2012
I like the pensive, thoughtful mood, though the whole connection between past memory and present was obvious enough that you didn't really need to point it out.
BrusselsSprout chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
Love how you connect the stories!
Nicole10 chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
What a great story! I loved the flashes into the campaigns and the way you bookended their separate stories. I also thought you got all the characters nuances down expertly. Good job!
Sorkin's Gal Friday chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
Hey there! I read this story on the Yahoo FF Group, but got interrupted and forgot to leave a reply. This was a fantastic story. I love the way you weaved the three campaigns together. Season 6 was so heart-breaking to me when Josh and Donna were separated. I really enjoyed the the way you explored their relationship through these little vignettes. Well done!
alix33 chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
"if he'd realized that a candidate from Texas meant country music on the radio for 24/7 Josh might have reconsidered his options. If he hears "I Can't Unlove You" or really anything by Kenny Rogers or even Dolly Parton one more time he's going to puncture his own eardrums with a Bic finepoint." - Hehehe, I would have paid good money, like year end bonus or SARS (that is the South African version of the IRS) tax refund money, to have seen that Bic eardrum-stabbing.

"Anybody know what that is?" says Otto, kneeling up against the window in the Winnebago."What's that stuff growing in the fields around here?" "What are you, the host for 'What's That Crop'?" Lou taps her pen against the report she's skimming. "It's something yellow." "Dandelions?" suggests Otto. "I don't think so. Probably mustard," offers Bram. Josh looks back at them. "It's canola," he says flatly. There's something in his reply that grabs Lou's attention. "What are you? The urban farm boy?" she sneers. She's tired too, but the prospect of a round or two with Josh Lyman is always good for a little energy pump. "I know things." - Yay! for Josh's knowing it is canola.

AW! at how cute the rest of the ficlet was.